Travel documents

United Kingdom

Country Report: Travel documents Last updated: 10/07/24


Sonia Lenegan

Refugees and their dependants, including those who are united through the refugee family reunion process, can apply for a ‘Refugee Travel Document’. The cost is the same as a UK national passport. An adult’s travel document will expire after 10 years if they have indefinite leave to remain, or at the same time as the refugee’s limited leave (if during the first 5 years of leave) if that is earlier. A child’s travel document will expire after 5 years or at the expiry of their leave.[1]

Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection and other forms of leave, including their dependants, are expected to apply to their national authorities for a passport, unless the humanitarian protection is granted following a refusal of asylum and it is accepted that the beneficiary has a fear of their national authorities.[2] This includes those resettled under the Syrian Resettlement Scheme who are granted humanitarian protection. Other than these individuals, including dependants, those with leave following a refusal of asylum, including beneficiaries of subsidiary protection where it is not accepted that the person is in fear of the national authority, are expected to show evidence of refusal to issue a document following contact with their national embassy.[3]

All those who are not entitled to a Refugee Travel Document, including all beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, can apply for a certificate of travel, which costs £280 (€ 326),[4] more than three times that of a Refugee Travel Document which is £82 (€ 96),[5] and a maximum validity of 5 years. It will only be issued when the individual has more than 6 months leave remaining.[6]

The procedure for all travel documents is via an online application.[7] Travel documents that are not CTD, issued by other countries, would often need to be accompanied by a visa.

In 2023, 55,494 travel documents were issued to third country nationals without a passport (this is not exclusively beneficiaries of international protection).[8] There are no specific obstacles to people obtaining these documents.




[1] Government website, ‘Apply for a Home Office travel document’, available at:

[2] Home Office, ‘Home Office travel documents: caseworker guidance’, published 29 August 2013, available at:

[3] Home Office, ‘Apply for a Home Office travel document’, available at:

[4] Home Office, ‘Apply for a Home Office travel document’, available at:

[5] Home Office, ‘Apply for a Home Office travel document’, available at:

[6] Home Office, ‘Home Office travel documents: caseworker guidance’, published 29 August 2013, available at:, 13.

[7] Home Office, Apply for a Home Office travel document, available at:

[8] Resettlement, Asylum Support and Integration Transparency data, Q1 2023.

Table of contents

  • Statistics
  • Overview of the legal framework
  • Overview of the main changes since the previous report update
  • Asylum Procedure
  • Reception Conditions
  • Detention of Asylum Seekers
  • Content of International Protection