The outdated Plan of measures for the integration of refugees and persons in need of complementary protection into Ukrainian society adopted on August 22, 2012, and intended to run until 2020, outlined the set of measures to enhance the integration and inclusion of the beneficiaries of international protection and beneficiaries of complementary protection. The plan determined various steps and targets to achieve for public authorities at national and local levels.
Among the measures, the Plan indicated the elaboration of educational programs for preparatory classes as well as classes in the Ukrainian language, history, and culture and encouraging the employment of the refugees.
In addition, the Strategy of the State Migration Policy of Ukraine to 2025 adopted on 12 July 2017 stresses the integration needs of asylum seekers and beneficiaries of international protection, and beneficiaries of complementary protection.
The target which addressed refugees points out the necessity of elaboration of tailored integration plans and programs.