Overview of the legal framework

Republic of Ireland

Country Report: Overview of the legal framework Last updated: 03/06/24


Irish Refugee Council Visit Website

The most recent version of relevant national legislation is available at: http://bit.ly/2kneBnp.


Main legislative acts relevant to asylum procedures, reception conditions, detention and content of protection

Title (EN) Web Link
International Protection Act 2015 http://bit.ly/2inFha1
Immigration Act 1999 http://bit.ly/1SFAWqw
Immigration Act 2003 http://bit.ly/1CTTd1H
Immigration Act 2004 http://bit.ly/1Kovj0V
Illegal Immigrants (Trafficking Act) 2000 http://bit.ly/1IifDWh
European Convention on Human Rights Act 2003 http://bit.ly/1g8Sks4


Main implementing decrees and administrative guidelines and regulations relevant to asylum procedures, reception conditions, detention and content of protection 

Title (EN) Web Link
S.I. No. 725 of 2020 International Protection Act 2015 (Safe Third Country) Order 2020 https://bit.ly/3cgp1nc
S.I. No. 436 of 2020 Disability, Equality, Human Rights, Integration and Reception (Transfer of Departmental Administration and Ministerial Functions) Order 2020 https://bit.ly/2NAaNDF


S.I. No 409 of 2017 European Union (Subsidiary Protection) Regulations 2017 http://bit.ly/2E7pPbd
S.I. No 116 of 2017 International Protection Act 2015 (Procedures and Periods for Appeals) Regulations 2017 http://bit.ly/2xoWEz8
S.I. No 230 of 2018 European Communities (Reception Conditions) Regulations 2018 https://bit.ly/2KW1T09
S.I. No 134 of 2016 Immigration Act 1999 (Deportation) (Amendment) Regulations 2016 http://bit.ly/2DFrK9N
S.I. No. 62 of 2018 European Union (Dublin System) Regulations 2018 https://bit.ly/2H4mj2y
S.I. No 121 of 2018 International Protection Act 2015 (Safe Countries of Origin) Order 2018 https://bit.ly/2I9j2Cm
S.I. No 668 of 2016 International Protection Act 2015 (Deportation) Regulations 2016 http://bit.ly/2E8uN7G
S.I. No 667 of 2016 International Protection Act 2015 (Travel Document) Regulations 2016 http://bit.ly/2GfErpC
S.I. No 666 of 2016 International Protection Act 2015 (Places of Detention) Regulations 2016 http://bit.ly/2rDSkL0
S.I. No 665 of 2016 International Protection Act 2015 (Voluntary Return) Regulations 2016 http://bit.ly/2GeKxGL
S.I. No 664 of 2016 International Protection Act 2015 (Permission to Remain) Regulations 2016 http://bit.ly/2rFcFiP
S.I. No 662 of 2016 International Protection Act 2015 (Temporary Residence Certificate) (Prescribed Information) Regulations 2016 http://bit.ly/2Gh8WLO
S.I. No 661 of 2016 International Protection Act 2015 (Establishment Day) Order 2016 http://bit.ly/2GhLyhl
S.I. No 660 of 2016 International Protection Act 2015 (Application for International Protection Form) Regulations 2016 http://bit.ly/2FeRwy5
S.I. No 663 of 2016 International Protection Act 2015 (Commencement) (No.3) Order 2016 http://bit.ly/2GhLBd1
S.I. No 133 of 2016 International Protection Act 2015 (Commencement) (No. 2) Order 2016 http://bit.ly/2nbsOHt
S.I. No 26 of 2016 International Protection Act 2015 (Commencement) Order 2016 http://bit.ly/2FeTbnj
S.I. No 518 of 2006 European Communities (Eligibility for Protection) Regulations 2006 http://bit.ly/1OpPpWj
S.I. No. 81 of 2017 Civil Legal Aid (International Protection Appeals Tribunal) Order 2017 https://bit.ly/2BezlvK
S.I. No 55 of 2005 Immigration Act 1999 (Deportation) Regulations 2005 http://bit.ly/1frafsP
S.I. No 708 of 2003- Aliens (Visas) Order 2003 http://bit.ly/1Ime8uH
S.I. No 103 of 2002- Immigration Act 1999 (Deportation) Regulations 2002 http://bit.ly/1MM0BMq

The International Protection Act 2015 has repealed many of the previous statutory instruments and regulations pertaining to the Irish asylum system. Now the Minister has the power to make new regulations under Section 3 for any matter referred to in the International Protection Act 2015.

Table of contents

  • Statistics
  • Overview of the legal framework
  • Overview of the main changes since the previous report update
  • Asylum Procedure
  • Reception Conditions
  • Detention of Asylum Seekers
  • Content of International Protection
  • ANNEX – Transposition of the CEAS in national legislation