Overview of the legal framework


Country Report: Overview of the legal framework Last updated: 10/07/24


Dutch Council for Refugees Visit Website

Main legislative acts relevant to asylum procedures, reception conditions, detention and content of protection

Title in English Original Title (NL) Abbreviation Web Link
General Administrative Law Act Algemene Wet Bestuursrecht (AWB) GALA https://bit.ly/2MsylJS (NL)
Aliens Act 2000 Vreemdelingenwet 2000 (Vw 2000) Aliens Act https://bit.ly/3qUN0MS (NL)

https://bit.ly/3uzy7XV (EN)

Act of the Central Agency of Reception Wet Centraal Opvang Orgaan (Wet COA) Reception Act https://bit.ly/36cQane (NL)
Aliens Labour Act Wet Arbeid Vreemdelingen (Wav) Aliens Labour Act https://bit.ly/3a8zONB (NL)


Main implementing decrees and administrative guidelines and regulations relevant to asylum procedures, reception conditions, detention and content of protection

Title in English Original Title (NL) Abbreviation Web Link
Aliens Decree 2000 Vreemdelingenbesluit 2000 (Vb 2000) Aliens Decree https://bit.ly/3ccPTEJ (NL)
Aliens Circular 2000 Vreemdelingencirculaire 2000 (Vc 2000) Aliens Circular A: https://bit.ly/3sXEJtu
B: https://bit.ly/3a5qFWi
C: https://bit.ly/3pkVUCZ (NL)
Aliens Regulation 2000 Voorschrift Vreemdelingen 2000 (Vv 2000) Aliens Regulation https://bit.ly/3qUDYzz (NL)
Regulation on benefits for asylum seekers and other categories of foreigners 2005 Regeling verstrekkingen asielzoekers en andere categorieën vreemdelingen 2005 (Rva 2005) RVA https://bit.ly/2Ma6hLw (NL)
Border Accommodation Regime Regulation Reglement Regime Grenslogies (Rrg) Border Regime Regulation https://bit.ly/3ceEyE4 (NL)

Table of contents

  • Statistics
  • Overview of the legal framework
  • Overview of the main changes since the previous report update
  • Asylum Procedure
  • Reception Conditions
  • Detention of Asylum Seekers
  • Content of International Protection
  • ANNEX I – Transposition of the CEAS in national legislation