Cessation and review of protection status


Country Report: Cessation and review of protection status Last updated: 05/05/23


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The Asylum Act contains the provisions on cessation and withdrawal of international protection in a single provision: Article 7 for refugees and Article 9 for beneficiaries of the subsidiary protection.

Refugee status can be ceased if the conditions in Article 1C of the Refugee Convention are met, or if refugee status has been granted in another country.[1] Subsidiary protection can be ceased where the conditions upon which status was granted no longer exist, where the person obtains subsidiary protection status in another country or obtains the nationality of another country and return thereto would not violate the principle of non-refoulement.[2]


Every asylum seeker that comes to Austria is entitled to the free legal aid, when needed. In Austria, free legal counselling within the cessation and review of protection status procedures is provided by a state-based organisation BBU (Bundesagentur für Betreuungs- und Unterstützungsleistungen). BBU has been offering legal counsel and representation before the Federal Office for Immigration and Asylum (BFA) in accordance with Section 49 BFA-VG Federal Law Gazette I No. 87/2012 and before the Federal Administrative Court (BVwG) in accordance with Section 52 BFA-VG Federal Law Gazette I No. 87/2012 as amended since January 1, 2021.

BBU offers free legal counsel to those facing criminal charges, both at the initial hearing and during an appeal. However, the counselling provided by the organisation during the first-instance procedure is not needs based, but rather available only within specific hours established by the organisation.

Where the BFA considers that the conditions in the country of origin have changed, thus questioning whether the beneficiary’s fear of persecution is still valid, it shall inform the person ex officio of the initiation of a cessation procedure – irrespective of whether the person has a permanent or temporary residence permit.[3]

The authorities must assess whether return would be contrary to Articles 2, 3 or 8 ECHR and, in such a case, issue a residence permit. Where return would amount to refoulement, or in case of practical obstacles, the BFA is responsible for issuing a tolerated status card (Duldungskarte). In 2022, 325 tolerated status cards were issued,[4] compared to 265 in 2021 and 194 in 2020.

If a person has held refugee status for 5 years, refugee status may be terminated only after the person has received a residence permit under a different immigration status.

Cessation procedures for beneficiaries of the subsidiary protection are often initiated by the BFA when they apply for a prolongation of their residence permit. Persons originating from Russia, Syria and Afghanistan are particularly concerned by these procedures. The Administrative Court has stated that a subsidiary protection status that was granted because of the minority of a person can be withdrawn once the minor becomes an adult and commits a crime.[5]

A cessation procedure is further initiated when entering the country of origin or applying for a passport from the country of origin. The entry of persons entitled to protection in Austria with a Convention or Foreigner passport is reported by the border police to the BFA. As of today, it is not clear yet if every case of entry from third countries is reported.

Statistics on the number of initiated cessation/withdrawal procedures

Statistics made available by the Ministry of Interior do not distinguish between cessation and withdrawal procedures. The number of initiated cessation or withdrawal procedures of the asylum status has consistently remained between 5,500 and 6,000 cases since 2018. In 2018, 5,991 cessation/withdrawal procedures were initiated,[6] resulting in the withdrawal/cessation of refugee status in 450 cases and of subsidiary protection in 475 cases.[7] In 2019, out of the total of 5,547 initiated withdrawal procedures, asylum status was ceased or withdrawn in 856 cases, while subsidiary protection was ceased or withdrawn in 917 cases.[8]

In 2022, 2,161 cessation and withdrawal procedures of the asylum status were initiated on the following grounds:

Initiated cessation/withdrawal procedures of the asylum status: 2022
Country of Origin Delinquency[9] Danger to public security[10] Travel movement (COI)[11] Altered circumstances[12] Withdrawal/Cessation of status of the reference person Other reasons Total
Syria 490 2 97 6 3 58 656
Russia 106 2 94 192 133 33 560
Afghanistan 270 1 95 1 0 15 382
Iran 72 0 73 11 0 8 164
Iraq 44 0 32 4 1 11 92
Somalia 20 0 30 0 0 9 99
stateless 61 0 8 3 0 7 79
Serbia 1 0 4 16 1 1 23
Türkiye 8 0 2 4 2 4 20
Kosovo 0 0 3 12 3 0 18
Other 40 0 23 22 8 15 108
Total 1,112 5 461 271 151 161 2,161

Source: Ministry of Interior, answer to parliamentary request 13976/AB  XXVII. GP, 28 April 2023, available in German at https://bit.ly/425y8xW.

As regards subsidiary protection, the BFA imitated a total of 611 (2021: 1,179) cessation/withdrawal procedures in 2022: 

Initiated cessation/withdrawal procedures of the subsidiary protection: 2022
Country of Origin Delinquency[13] Danger to Public Security[14] Travel Movement (COI)[15] Altered circumstances[16] Examination in the course of prolongation Other reasons Total
Afghanistan 182 1 29 0 5 22 239
Iraq 47 0 26 0 22 37 132
Russian Federation 16 0 2 0 26 18 62
Syria 29 1 7 0 5 7 49
Somalia 27 0 4 0 4 4 39
Nigeria 3 0 1 0 4 2 10
stateless 4 0 0 0 0 6 10
Armenia 1 0 2 0 7 0 10
Mongolia 0 0 0 0 4 4 8
Georgia 0 0 1 0 4 1 6
Other 13 0 6 0 13 14 46
Total 322 2 78 0 94 115 611

Source: Ministry of Interior, answer to parliamentary request 13976/AB  XXVII. GP, 28 April 2023, available in German at https://bit.ly/425y8xW.  


Statistics on the number of protection status ceased/withdrawn by the BFA at first instance

Not all of the initiated procedures represented above resulted in a withdrawal or cessation of protection. In 2022, the BFA ceased and withdrew asylum status in 951 cases as follows (2021: 1,304; 2020: 1,341):

Ceased/withdrawn asylum status by BFA: 2022
Country of Origin Delinquency Danger to public security Travel movement (COI) Altered circumstances Withdrawal / cessation status of reference person Other reasons Total
Russian Federation 61 2 144 340 193 32 772
Syria 4 0 7 4 0 23 38
Iran 4 0 15 7 3 3 32
Iraq 4 0 4 7 0 13 28
Afghanistan 0 0 1 0 0 4 5
Kosovo 2 0 1 5 2 1 11
Nigeria 1 0 4 0 5 0 10
Serbia 0 0 0 7 0 0 7
Somalia 0 0 1 1 3 1 6
Armenia 2 0 1 2 0 0 5
Other 5 0 5 12 7 8 37
Total 83 2 183 385 213 85 951

Source: Ministry of Interior, answer to parliamentary request 13976/AB  XXVII. GP, 28 April 2023, available in German at https://bit.ly/425y8xW.

In 4 cases cessation of asylum status was followed by the granting of subsidiary protection, and in 55 cases a status on humanitarian grounds was granted.

With regard to first instance decisions, asylum status was withdrawn in 949 cases, subsidiary protection was withdrawn in 135 cases. As regards subsidiary protection, in 135 cases the status was withdrawn or ceased by the first instance authority (2021: 342):

Withdrawal of protection status by BFA: 2022
Country of origin Asylum Subsidary protection
Russian Federation 772 15
Iraq 28 53
Syria 38 7
Afghanistan 5 11
Somalia 6 6
Nigeria 10 1
Stateless 3 7
Armenia 5 5
Serbia 9 1
Kosovo 9 1
Other 66 28
Total 951 135

Source: BFA-Detailstatistik 1.-4. Quartal 2022, available in German at: https://bit.ly/3SMUZLj.

It should be noted that the above figures only represent the number of protection status ceased/withdrawn by the BFA at first instance. In 2021, the BVwG decided on 409 appeals concerning withdrawal of asylum status and on 720 appeals concerning withdrawal of subsidiary protection.[17] Data for 2022 is not available at the time of writing. Concerning the high number of withdrawal and cessation decisions regarding nationals of the Russian federation it has to be noted that the persons received a residence permit. The authority focused on cases that have been beneficiaries since the start of the 2000s, in those cases a status can only be withdrawn if a residence permit is granted.




[1] Article 7(2)-(3) AsylG.

[2] Article 9(1) AsylG.

[3] Article 7(2a) AsylG.

[4] Ministry of Interior, Answer to parliamentary request, 13740/AB, XXVII. GP, 20 April 2023 , available in German at: https://bit.ly/3AEzMuF; Ministry of Interior, Answer to parliamentary request 9531/AB, XXVII. GP, 11 April 2022, available in German at: https://bit.ly/3KPxwnY.

[5] VwGH, Decision Ra 2018/18/0343, 21 June 2018, available in German at: https://bit.ly/3lgT5pZ.

[6] Ministry of Interior, Answer to parliamentary request, 4105/AB XXVI GP, 30 October 2019, available in German at: http://bit.ly/40aA4UL.

[7] Information provided by the Ministry of Interior on 1 February 2019.

[8] Ministry of Interior, Answer to a parliamentary request 4024/AB XXVI. GP, 16 September 2019, available in German at: https://bit.ly/2PEhsuJ.

[9] Article 7 (2) AsylG, in connection with Article 27 (3) (1-4) AsylG.

[10] Article 7 (1) (1), in connection with Article 6 (1) (3) AsylG.

[11] Article 7 (2) last sentence AsylG.

[12] Article 7 (2a) AsylG.

[13] Article 9 (3) AsylG.

[14] Article 9 (2) (2) AsylG.

[15] Article 9 (1) (1-2) AsylG.

[16] Article 9 (1) (1)AsylG.

[17] Source: Ministry of Justice, Answer to parliamentary request 9532/AB, XXVII. GP, 11 April 2022, https://bit.ly/3rxqhJw.

Table of contents

  • Statistics
  • Overview of the legal framework
  • Overview of the of the main changes since the previous report update
  • Asylum Procedure
  • Reception Conditions
  • Detention of Asylum Seekers
  • Content of International Protection
  • ANNEX I – Transposition of the CEAS in national legislation