

Country Report: Statistics Last updated: 24/06/24


Greek Council for Refugees Visit Website

Overview of statistical practice

Monthly statistics are published by the Ministry of Migration and Asylum,[1] however detailed data on breakdown per nationalities are not included. Moreover, percentage of recognition/rejection rate is calculated on the basis of the total number of decisions (including inadmissible decisions, implicit withdrawals, archived cases, etc.) having as a result a certain underestimation of the international protection recognition rate compared to the actual recognition rate based on the in-merits decision issued.

Applications and granting of protection status at first instance in 2023:

  Applicants in 2023 Pending at

end of 2023

Total decisions  in 2023 Total in merit decisions Total rejection In merit rejection Refugee status Subsidiary protection Humanitarian protection
Total 64,212[2] 29,885 41,430[3] 32,529 16,494 7,593 24,345 591 Abolished by Article 20 L. 4825/2021
Breakdown by countries of origin of the total numbers  
Palestine 6,736 6,357 34 n/a
Afghanistan 9,488 6,009 91 n/a
Iraq 6,455 5,181 25 n/a
Syria 14,015 2,699 2 n/a
Somalia 2,935 784 91 n/a
Eritrea 1,826 828 2 n/a
DR Congo 1,528 279 27 n/a
Pakistan 4,077 n/a
Türkiye 2,714             – n/a
Egypt 2,498 n/a
Other 11,940   318 n/a

Source: MoMA, Factsheet – December 2023, available at:


Applications and granting of protection status at first instance: rates for year

  Overall rejection rate In merit rejection rate Overall protection rate In merit protection rate Refugee rate Subsidiary

protection rate


protection rate

Total 39.80% 23.34% 76.65% 74.84 % 1.81% abolished by Article 20 L. 4825/2021
Breakdown by countries of origin of the total numbers
Palestine 99.18% n/a
Yemen 97.94% n/a
Sudan 95.73% n/a
Ukraine 93.17% n/a
Iraq 92.01% n/a
Afghanistan 86.22% n/a
Eritrea 79.69% n/a
Syria 63.64% n/a
Türkiye 60.90% n/a
Cameroon 52.39% n/a
Pakistan 1.43% n/a
Egypt 0.91% n/a

Source of the percentages: MoMA, Factsheet – December 2023, available at:


Gender/age breakdown of the total number of applicants: (2023)

  Adults Children
Accompanied Unaccompanied
Number 49,581 11,694 2,937
Percentage 77.21% 18.21% 4.57%


  Men Women
Number 47,406 16,806
Percentage 73.82% 26.17%

Source: MoMA, Factsheet – December 2023, available at:  


Note: The gender breakdown (Men/Women) applies to all applicants, not only adults.

Comparison between first instance and appeal decision rates: 2023

It should be noted that, during the same year, the first instance and appeal authorities handle different caseloads. Thus, the decisions below do not concern the same applicants.

  First instance Appeal
  Number Percentage Number Percentage
Total number of decisions 32,529 100% 7,605 100%
Positive decisions 24,936 76.65% 886 11.65%
  • Refugee status
24,345 74.84% 655 8.61%
  • Subsidiary protection
591 1.81% 222 2.91%
9 0.11%
Negative decisions 7,593 23.34% 6,719 88.34%

Source: MoMA, Factsheet – December 2023, available at:  


* Numbers above refer to in merits Decisions in the case of first instance decisions. In the case of Appeals, given no relevant breakdown is provided, data concerns the total number and outcome of appeals against both first instance in-merit negative decisions and against first instance inadmissibility decisions.




[1] MoMA, Statistics, available at:

[2] 57,891 fist time applicants, 6,321 subsequent applications, MoMA, Factsheet – December 2023, available at:

[3] There are also 9,938 Acts of Interruption (implicit withdrawal) and 946 explicit withdrawals and archived applications, MoMA, Factsheet – December 2023, idib.  

[4] Other positive Decisions on second instance refers to second instance Decisions rejecting the Appeal submitted against a first instance Decision not granting refugee protections but finding that the applicant should be recognized as a beneficiary of subsidiary protection, by which the status of the beneficiary of subsidiary protection is maintained.  

Table of contents

  • Statistics
  • Overview of the legal framework
  • Overview of the main changes since the previous report update
  • Asylum Procedure
  • Reception Conditions
  • Detention of Asylum Seekers
  • Content of International Protection
  • ANNEX I – Transposition of the CEAS in national legislation