Long-term residence


Country Report: Long-term residence Last updated: 10/07/24


Greek Council for Refugees Visit Website

According to Article 89 L. 4251/2014 (Immigration Code), as in force, third-country nationals are eligible for long-term residence if they have resided in Greece lawfully for five consecutive years before the application is filed. For beneficiaries of international protection, the calculation of the five-year residence period includes half of the period between the lodging of the asylum application and the grant of protection, or the full period if the asylum procedure exceeded 18 months.[1] Absence periods are not taken into account for the determination of the five-year period, provided that they do not exceed six consecutive months and 10 months in total, within the five-year period.[2] A fee of €150 is also required.[3]

To be granted long-term resident status beneficiaries of international protection must also fulfil the following conditions:[4]

  • Sufficient income to cover their needs and the needs of their family and is earned without recourse to the country’s social assistance system. This income cannot be lower than the annual income of an employee on minimum wage, pursuant to national laws, increased by 10% for all the sponsored family members, also taking into account any amounts from regular unemployment benefits. The contributions of family members are also taken into account for the calculation of the income;
  • Full health insurance, providing all the benefits provided for the equivalent category of insured nationals, which also covers their family members;
  • Fulfilment of the conditions indicating integration into Greek society, inter alia “good knowledge of the Greek language, knowledge of elements of Greek history and Greek civilisation”.[5]

It is noted that the New Immigration Code, L. 5038/2023 shall enter into force on 31 March 2024.[6] The provisions regarding the long-term residence permits remain the same.[7]

The submission of application for the initial issuance of long-term residence permits[8] and for the renewal of long-term residence permits[9] is now only possible electronically through the special website of the Ministry of Migration and Asylum.

According to GCR’s knowledge, as regards the renewal of travel documents of beneficiaries of international protection, holders of long-term residence permits, the Asylum Service cannot proceed with the renewal of their travel documents, as it is not possible to electronically connect said permits with the travel documents because they were issued by different services (Asylum Service and Decentralised Administrations).

It is stressed that at a meeting of the Council’s permanent representatives committee, EU member states agreed their negotiating mandate for updating the EU long-term residents directive. This directive sets out the conditions under which third-country nationals can acquire EU long-term resident status. In accordance with the Council position, third-country nationals can cumulate residence periods of up to two years in other member states in order to meet the requirements of the five-year residence period. However, in the event of an applicant having resided in another member state, the Council has decided to accept only certain types of legal residence permits, such as holders of EU Blue Cards or residence permits issued for the purpose of highly qualified employment.[10]




[1] Article 89(2) L. 4251/2014 (Immigration Code).

[2] Article 89(3) L. 4251/2014..

[3] Ministry of Migration and Asylum, Long Term Residence Permits (Law 4251/2014), available in Greek at: https://bit.ly/3xcrxYU.  

[4] Article 89(1) L. 4251.2014.

[5] Article 90(2)(a) Immigration Code.

[6] Article 179 L. 5038/2023 (New Immigration Code).

[7] Article 144 and 145(2) L. 5038/2023.

[8] Ministry of Migration and Asylum, Apply on-line for an initial residence permit, available at: https://bit.ly/3JzsSvp.

[9]  Ministry of Migration and Asylum, Apply on-line to renew your residence permit, available at: https://bit.ly/3JzsSvp.

[10] European Council, Council of European Union, Third-country nationals: EU updates rules for long-term resident status, Press release, 23 November 2023, available at: https://bit.ly/3UfJzRo.

Table of contents

  • Statistics
  • Overview of the legal framework
  • Overview of the main changes since the previous report update
  • Asylum Procedure
  • Reception Conditions
  • Detention of Asylum Seekers
  • Content of International Protection
  • ANNEX I – Transposition of the CEAS in national legislation