Provision of information on the procedure


Country Report: Provision of information on the procedure Last updated: 10/07/24


Swiss Refugee Council Visit Website

In 2019, the SEM published a video on Youtube with some simplified explications regarding the new restructured procedure in several languages.[1] The SEM even has a dedicated YouTube channel where it advertises a variety of videos for asylum seekers as well as a website ( with useful information in different languages. Asylum seekers also receive a leaflet with those links and the most important information regarding the asylum procedure from SEM. A specific leaflet is provided to persons applying for asylum at airports which explains the airport procedure.

Every asylum seeker assigned to the federal centres, following the lodging of the asylum application, obtains initial information from the NGO in charge of legal protection in the form of an individual consultation meeting to present the work of the legal protection service, inform of the rights and obligations of asylum seekers during the procedure and to gather initial information. A leaflet available in the main languages spoken by the applicants is provided by the NGOs and a short film explaining the procedure and questions regarding accommodation, health insurance, allowance and access to the labour market is also broadcasted in the offices of the legal representation. In addition, asylum seekers have the possibility to visit the legal protection offices spontaneously or by appointment during their stay in the federal centre in order to obtain information or submit any evidence. However, access to legal protection offices is highly dependent on the location of federal centres and legal aid offices.

Additionally, UNHCR also provides information videos via Youtube, for example the explanation video for family reunification in several different languages.[2]




[1] See the English version at: (also available in German, French, Italian, Arab, Farsi, Somali, Tigrinya, Russian, Tamil, Georgian, Turkish).

[2] Available at:

Table of contents

  • Statistics
  • Overview of the legal framework
  • Overview of the main changes since the previous report update
  • Asylum Procedure
  • Reception Conditions
  • Detention of Asylum Seekers
  • Content of International Protection