

Country Report: Statistics Last updated: 13/06/24



Overview of statistical practice

Statistics are provided on the website The statistics presented below were provided upon request by the Office for Foreigners.

Applications and granting of protection status at first instance: figures for 2023          

  Applicants in 2023 (1) Pending at

end 2023

Total decisions  in 2023 (2) Total in merit decisions Total rejection In merit rejection Refugee status Subsidiary protection Humanitarian protection (3)
Total 9,513 3,766 6,511 5,697 1,880 1,066 602 4,029 n/a
Breakdown by countries of origin of the total numbers
Belarus 3,713 1,339 2,928 2,927 49 48 228 2,651 n/a
Ukraine 1,771 781 1,229 1,226 88 85 15 1,126 n/a
Russia 1,766 683 1,069 502 877 310 113 79 n/a
Türkiye 248 49 62 62 24 24 38 0 n/a
Egypt 194 34 136 119 133 116 3 0 n/a
Afghanistan 170 170 163 161 4 2 106 53 n/a
Tajikistan 167 80 134 90 115 71 1 18 n/a
India 152 75 63 60 63 60 0 0 n/a
Syria 135 21 25 23 5 3 16 4 n/a
Iraq 124 76 62 42 51 31 4 7 n/a

Source: Office for Foreigners.


(1) “Applicants in year” refers to the total number of applicants, not only to first-time applicants.

(2) Statistics on decisions cover the decisions taken throughout the year, regardless of whether they concern applications lodged that year or in previous years.

(3)  Humanitarian protection is not granted within the international protection proceedings, but return proceedings. The first instance authority is the Border Guard and the Office for Foreigners is the second instance authority. The number of humanitarian protection statuses granted annually is generally low. In 2023, humanitarian protection was granted to 35 persons in the first instance and to 7 in appeal proceedings.

Applications and granting of protection status at first instance: rates for 2023

  Overall rejection rate In merit rejection rate Overall protection rate In merit protection rate Refugee rate Subsidiary

protection rate


protection rate

Total 28% 18% 71% 81% 10% 70% n/a
Breakdown by countries of origin of the total numbers
Belarus 1.6% 1.6% 98% 98% 7.8% 90.5% n/a
Ukraine 7.1% 6.9% 92.8% 93% 1.2% 91.8% n/a
Russia 82% 61% 17.9% 38% 22.5% 15.7% n/a
Türkiye 38% 38% 61.2% 61.2% 61.2% 0% n/a
Egypt 97% 97.4% 2.2% 2.5% 2.5% 0% n/a
Afghanistan 2.4% 1.2% 97.5% 98.7% 65.8% 33% n/a
Tajikistan 85% 78.8% 14% 21.1% 1.1% 20% n/a
India 100% 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% n/a
Syria 20% 13% 80% 86.9% 69.5% 17.3% n/a
Iraq 82% 73.8% 17.7% 26% 9.5% 16.6% n/a

Source of the percentages: percentages calculated by the authors of the report based on overall statistics provided by the Office for Foreigners (see table above).


Gender/age breakdown of the total number of applicants: 2023

  Adults Children
Accompanied Unaccompanied
Number 7,138 2,083 292
Percentage 75% 21% 3%


  Men Women
Number 5,860 3,653
Percentage 61% 38%

Source: Office for Foreigners.


First instance and appeal decision rates: 2023

It should be noted that, during the same year, the first instance and appeal authorities handle different caseloads. Thus, the decisions below do not concern the same applicants.

  First instance Appeal
  Number Percentage Number Percentage
Total number of decisions (persons affected by decisions) 6,511 100% 1,576 100%
Positive decisions 4,631 71% 23 1.5%
  • Refugee status
602 9% 9 0.6%
  • Subsidiary protection
4,029 61% 14 0.9%
n/a   134 8,5%
Negative decisions (total) 1,880 28% 1,362 86.4%

Source: First instance – Office for Foreigners, Appeal – Refugee Board.


[1] Decisions annulling the decisions of the Office for Foreigners and directing the case back to first instance proceedings.

Table of contents

  • Statistics
  • Overview of the legal framework
  • Overview of the main changes since the previous report update
  • Asylum Procedure
  • Reception Conditions
  • Detention of Asylum Seekers
  • Content of International Protection
  • ANNEX I – Transposition of the CEAS in national legislation