Social welfare


Country Report: Social welfare Last updated: 10/07/24



Beneficiaries of international protection have access to social welfare on equal terms as nationals. There is no difference in treatment between refugees and subsidiary protection beneficiaries.


Forms of social assistance

Social assistance can be provided inter alia for the following reasons: orphaned children; poverty; homelessness; unemployment; disability; long-term or severe disease, violence in the family; the need to protect the child and family; addiction (alcoholism and drug addiction); difficulties in the integration of foreigners who were granted refugee status, subsidiary protection, sudden and unpredictable situations (natural/ecological disaster, crisis, random event), difficulties in integration due to leaving the care and educational institution or prison.

Social assistance is granted to beneficiaries of international protection whose income does not exceed PLN 776 (EUR 181) (for a single person), or PLN 660 (EUR 154) (for a person in the family).[1] The application for social assistance has to be filed before the Social Welfare Centre (Ośrodek Pomocy Społecznej, OPS) which is located in the district where beneficiaries of international protection reside.[2]

Beneficiaries of international protection are also entitled to family benefits and supplements (świadczenia rodzinne i dodatki) under two conditions also applicable to Polish nationals: (a) residence in Poland; and (b) the average monthly family income per person in a family, which cannot exceed PLN 674 (EUR 157) or PLN 764 (EUR 178) [3] if the child in the family is certified as disabled. They have a right to apply for:

  • Family allowance
  • Childbirth aid and supplement
  • Attendance allowance
  • Parental benefit
  • Supplement for the beginning of the school year, education away from home, education and rehabilitation of a disabled child, raising a child in a numerous family, raising a child alone, and caring for a child during parental leave.

Furthermore, beneficiaries of international protection have a right to apply for special financial support under the government “800+ Programme”, which is paid on a monthly basis. This benefit is for families with children and should be spent on the need of the child regardless of income.

In the first half of 2023, 2,404,544 PLN was spent on different kinds of social welfare for recognised refugees and 14,124,744 PLN was spent for beneficiaries of subsidiary protection.[4] Assistance was provided in the form of social assistance, psychological and legal support, assistance in local institutions, financial support, and cash benefits for learning the Polish language as part of the implementation of the individual programme of integration.

Social Welfare Centres assisted 367 families (816 persons) of recognised refugees in the first half of 2023 and 1,420 families (2,587 persons) under subsidiary protection.[5]


Individual Integration Programme (IPI)

Beneficiaries of international protection are also entitled to the Individual Integration Programme (IPI) provided by the Poviat Family Support Centres (Powiatowe Centra Pomocy Rodzinie, PCPR). They have to submit an application for IPI with additional documentation to the head of the Poviat (starosta) through the PCPR within 60 days from the date beneficiaries of international protection received a decision on refugee status or subsidiary protection. The application covers also the spouse and the minor children of the applicant if they were covered by the applicant’s asylum application. On the other hand, children born in Poland after the completion of the parents’ integration program are not granted such assistance.[6] Likewise, the spouse of a Polish citizen has been excluded by law from the right to apply for the IPI.

The Programme takes 12 months during which integration assistance is provided. This assistance includes:

  • Cash benefits for the maintenance and coverage of expenses related to learning the Polish language;
  • Payment of the health insurance premium specified in the provisions on general insurance in the National Health Fund;
  • Special social counselling.

The social worker carries out the so-called environmental interview with a beneficiary of international protection and their family, and then together with they draw up an IPI. The programme determines the amount, scope and forms of integration assistance, as well as mutual obligations of the beneficiary and PCPR. The minimum cash benefit amount is PLN 721 (EUR 168), per person per month. Financial assistance is paid from the month beneficiaries of international protection applied for IPI or from the moment they left the open centre for foreigners.

Beneficiaries of international protection are entitled to receive:

1) during the first 6 months of the integration program:

  • up to PLN 1376.00 (EUR 322) per month – for a single person;
  • up to PLN 963.20 (EUR 225.5) per person per month – in a 2-person family;
  • up to PLN 825.60 (EUR 193) per person per month – in a 3-person family;
  • up to PLN 688 (EUR 161) per month per person – for a family of four and more.

2) in the period from 7 to 12 months of the integration program:

  • up to PLN 1238.40 (EUR 290) per month – for a single person;
  • up to PLN 88 (EUR 203) per person per month – in a 2-person family;
  • up to PLN 743.04 (EUR 174) per person per month – in a 3-person family;
  • up to PLN 619 (EUR 145) per month per person – for a family of four and more.[7]

PCPR assists the beneficiary to obtain housing in a place of residence of his or her choice, where he or she is obliged to reside during the 12-month period of the IPI. A change of residence is allowed in particularly justified cases. In case the beneficiary changes residence in the region without informing PCPR, the programme will be terminated.

In practice, beneficiaries face several obstacles in obtaining social assistance, ranging from a lack of awareness of their rights and language barriers to the discretion of authorities in the limits of financial assistance granted to the requirement of translated forms and official documents which cannot be obtained from their country of origin e.g. alimony judgment to receive the “800+” child benefit. The need for the entire family to reside in Poland may also pose difficulties.[8] According to the NIEM report,[9] the regulations guiding the IPI have been out of date for more than a decade now, and they no longer respond to the needs of its beneficiaries.

As studies find, social policy provides few to no resources needed to maintain oneself independently in Poland.[10] By delivering mostly financial assistance, integration programmes help families to survive on a daily basis but fail to build the resources needed to become independent, to achieve appropriate adaptation levels in a new environment and prepare themselves to cover free market rental costs. For some participants, the programmes strengthened their feelings of lacking control over their lives and the helplessness already developed during the asylum procedure. There is a lack of adequate social work with beneficiaries. The financial means are not sufficient for renting a flat on the commercial market and only a few of them can count on receiving social or communal housing.[11] According to SIP, Nomada and NIEM reports,[12] IPI should last longer than 12 months, and be practically adapted to individual needs of applicants. Additionally, integration assistance should also be granted to children born after the completion of parents’ integration programs.[13]

The case workers interviewed in the study explained that, because they have too many integration programmes to manage monthly, it was practically impossible for them to offer any social work counselling, and they instead focused on managing monetary transfers.[14] Most of the IPIs are implemented by WCPR (Warszawskie Centrum Pomocy Rodziny), which department of Social Integration and Crisis Intervention has four social workers who provide integration assistance to beneficiaries of international protection.[15]




[1] Since 1 January 2022.

[2] Ministry of Family, Work and Social Policy, Information available (PL) at

[3] Ministry of Family, Work and Social Policy, Information, available (in Polish) at:

[4] Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy, 12 February 2024.

[5] Information provided by the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy, 12 February 2024.

[6] SIP, We present our comments to the European Commission Against Racism and Intolerance, June 2022, available (EN) at:

[7] Ministry of Family, Work and Social policy, ROZPORZĄDZENIE MINISTRA PRACY I POLITYKI SPOŁECZNEJ z dnia 7 kwietnia 2015 r. w sprawie udzielania pomocy cudzoziemcom, available (in Polish) at:

[8] Commissioner for Human Rights, ‘Prawo do świadczeń rodzinnych cudzoziemki objętej ochroną uzupełniającą w sytuacji, gdy nie wszyscy członkowie rodziny zamieszkują w Polsce, PCPR’, 10 January 2018, available (in Polish) at:

[9] NIEM diagnosis of the situation of beneficiaries of international protection in Poland, 2019, available (EN) at:

[10] Lukasiewicz, K., ‘Exile to Poverty: Policies and Poverty Among Refugees in Poland’, International Migration Vol. 55 (6) 2017, 65, see also Prawa dziecka-Raport Alternatywny, August 2020, available (in Polish) at:

[11] Ibidem.

[12] List of recommendations to improve housing situation of Beneficiaries of International Protection in Poland – prepared by Refugee Council operating within the NIEM/V4NIEM,

[13] SIP, Komentujemy propozycje zmian w ustawie o pomocy społecznej, available (in Polish) at:

[14] Lukasiewicz, K., ‘Exile to Poverty: Policies and Poverty Among Refugees in Poland’, International Migration Vol. 55 (6) 2017, 65.

[15] K. Sobczak-Szelc, M. Pachocka, K. Pędziwiatr, J. Szałańska, ‘Integration Policies, Practices and Responses. Poland – Country Report’, Multilevel Governance of Mass Migration in Europe and Beyond Project (#770564, Horizon2020), available at:

Table of contents

  • Statistics
  • Overview of the legal framework
  • Overview of the main changes since the previous report update
  • Asylum Procedure
  • Reception Conditions
  • Detention of Asylum Seekers
  • Content of International Protection
  • ANNEX I – Transposition of the CEAS in national legislation