Civil registration


Country Report: Civil registration Last updated: 24/07/24


JRS Romania

The procedure of civil registration is set out in Act 119/1996.[1]


Marriage and childbirth registration

With regard to marriage registration, the law provides the obligation for the future spouses to present identity documents, birth certificates, and medical certificates.[2] Beneficiaries of international protection have to present several documents, such as:

  • Identity document, which in their case may be the travel document issued after granting a form of protection;[3]
  • Birth certificate;
  • Certificate/ evidence issued by diplomatic missions or consular offices;
  • Declaration, authenticated by the notary, which proves that they fulfil the necessary conditions for getting married;
  • Proof of divorce/ death certificate of the spouse as the case may be;
  • Prenuptial medical certificate;
  • Marriage convention.

In addition, foreign citizens who do not speak Romanian have to submit the marriage declaration in the presence of and through an authorised translator, which they have to pay for.

ASSOC/LADO reported that beneficiaries do not encounter any issues in case of civil registration.[4]

AIDRom reported some difficulties in registering a newborn. The birth certificate is issued without a personal identification number for all newborn beneficiaries for international protection. It was further reported that a medical doctor had refused to vaccinate a child due to the lack of the personal identification number. Therefore, AIDRom had to pay for a vaccine which is usually provided for free.

In Galati the JRS representative provided assistance for the issuance of a birth certificate for a four-year old child. The cost of authorized interpretation was also covered by IGI-DAI and translation of the document was covered by the organisation. Overall, according to the JRS representative there were no more problems registered.

In Rădăuţi the NGO representative provided support for the registration of one newborn. No problems were reported. The families were accompanied by the NGO representative and interpretation was also ensured. It was reported that the authorities were not familiar with the residence permits.  The same issue was also pointed out by IOM Romania.[5]


Bank accounts

According to the legal counsellor in Galaţi, beneficiaries are unable to open bank accounts at some banks as it appears there are certain third countries whose nationals (Syrian, Iraqi, Iranian and Afghan nationals) are not offered services for security reasons. Only one small bank agrees to open bank accounts for beneficiaries of international protection. In 2022 as in 2021 it was observed that even the small banks were not opening bank accounts for beneficiaries of international protection and third country nationals. As a consequence they were unable to renew their residence permits. Beneficiaries with working contracts did not encounter any problems in opening a bank account.

In Şomcuta Mare ASSOC/LADO had no information on this subject.[6]

In Timișoara, AIDRom reported that beneficiaries who would like to open a bank account for certain online services and receive money were often rejected, especially Syrian nationals. Refuza pe motiv ca nu contr de munca. Este o banca care deschide indifferent de nationalitate. Although the Romanian National Bank has officially informed them that banks may open a bank account to anyone, it is up to each bank to decide after assessing these aspects prescribed by Law no. 129/2019 on preventing and sanctioning money laundering, as well as on the establishment of preventing measures and combating terrorist financing. [7] The director of Timișoara centre reported that in 2022, no beneficiary complained about this situation.

In Rădăuţi: beneficiaries can only open a bank account when they have an employment contract. A beneficiary, a Syrian national was refused by several banks.

In Giurgiu, in general banks refuse to open accounts according to the AIDRom representative. In 2022 a beneficiary of international protection managed to open a bank account at a certain bank.

Bucharest: According to IOM Romania beneficiaries from Syria, Iran, Iraq, and Afghanistan often face difficulties in dealing with banking institutions. For opening an account they must meet several conditions, namely: residence permit, passport from the country of origin, proof of a stable income, as well as knowledge of the Romanian language. There were situations in which, after opening a bank account, it was suspended without notice and without receiving any justification / explanation from the bank. Also, most of the bank representatives who refused to open bank accounts to beneficiaries were reluctant to provide a written answer in this regard.[8] On the other hand, the director of Vasile Stolnicu centre said there are no problems with opening a bank account.




[1] Act 119/1996 on civil registration acts, available in Romanian at:

[2] Article 25(3) Act 119/1996.

[3] Local Council of Timișoara, Marriage Registration, available in Romanian at:

[4] Information provided by LADO/ASSOC, 20 February 2023.

[5] Information provided by IOM, 19 February 2022.

[6] Information provided by LADO/ASSOC, 20 February 2023.

[7] Information provided by AIDRom, 14 January 2022.

[8] Information provided by IOM Romania, 19 Febraury 2022.

Table of contents

  • Statistics
  • Overview of the legal framework
  • Overview of the main changes since the previous report update
  • Asylum Procedure
  • Reception Conditions
  • Detention of Asylum Seekers
  • Content of International Protection
  • ANNEX I – Transposition of the CEAS in national legislation