Access to education


Country Report: Access to education Last updated: 24/07/24


JRS Romania

The Asylum Act prescribes for the right of minor asylum seekers to have access to before pre-school (0-3 years), pre-school (3-6 years) and compulsory education (6-18 years) under the same conditions as minor Romanian citizens, as long as no measure is taken to remove them or their parents from Romania.[1] Access to education is therefore free and unconditional.[2]

Compulsory general education consists of 10 grades and includes primary and lower secondary education. Compulsory education ends at the age of 18.[3]

Education is provided in regular schools. In general, children are enrolled at local schools whose territorial jurisdiction covers the respective Regional Centres. Asylum-seeking children are enrolled in normal classes together with Romanian children as observers for the first year. Being an observer means that the child is not listed in the class book and he or she does not receive grades.

In Bucharest, Giurgiu and Şomcuta Mare, the NGO representatives together with IGI-DAI draft the enrolment request.

In Galaţi, enrolment requests are made by NGO representatives and lodged by IGI-DAI, in order for IGI-DAI to notify the County School Inspectorate (Inspectoratul Școlar Județean, ISJ) The enrolment procedure may take up to 2-3 weeks. In some cases, the answer was provided swiftly and in others not. By the time the inspectorate sends its answer, the asylum procedure is usually completed, or the persons have left the country, or the parents did not take the children to the school. In 2022, nine chidlren were enrolled at school. The JRS representative also mentioned that asylum seekeing children are not enrolled in the Integrated Information System of Education in Romania (SIIR), which means that schools do not receive funds and other educational materials for these children.

In Rădăuţi, no problems were reported with the enrolment procedure. This is ensured by the integration officer. In 2022 children enrolled at school, some of them attended the classes and some refused to go because they did not understand anything.

Şomcuta Mare: as in 2021, in 2022 no children were enrolled at school, according to the director, because they left the centre.

In Giurgiu according to the director of the centre, the legal representative of DGASPC Giurgiu drafts the enrolment requests for the asylum-seeking unaccompanied minors.  It was also reported that at the time of enrollment children have already left the centre and have not returned. If their enrollment has been successful none of the asylum seekers attended the course. This was also reported for 2022.

Bucharest: there were nine requests for enrolment in 2022. As of 2020 children have been enrolled at the “25 School”.

None of the children accommodated in the regional centre Timişoara were enrolled at school because they left the centre, according to the director of the centre. As for the children accommodated at the DGASPC centre of Timişoara the director said they were enrolled at school. Conversely, according to the Save the Children representatives, children are enrolled at school only when granted a form of protection, by AIDRom. The ISJ had enrolled them at “second chance”, motivating that there are no places available in the regular schools, as Ukrainian children had priority.

Preparatory classes

Following the 2015 reform, the Asylum Act foresees a free intensive preparatory course for asylum-seeking children in view of easingtheir access to educationbefore the enrolment at the national education system.[4]The training course is organised by the Ministry of National Education and Scientific Research, in collaboration with IGI-DAI.Children should be enrolled at the preparatory course within 3 months from the date their asylum application was made. At the same time, the child may be enrolled as an observer in the relevant year of study.

At the end of the preparatory course, an Evaluation Commission, whose composition and functioning are established by order of the Minister of National Education and Scientific Research assesses the level of knowledge of the Romanian language and establishes the registration of asylum seekers in the corresponding year of study.

In 2022 preparatory courses were provided in most of the regional centres, except Timișoara.

Giurgiu: The director of the centre reported that the preparatory course for learning Romanian was held twice a week for two hours, at the Tudor Vianu Theoretical High School in Giurgiu. The staff of the Ministry of Education comes to the regional centre. Asylum seekers did not participate, according to the director of the centre, only beneficiaries.

In Galaţi, according to JRS, an ISJ professor offers courses for child asylum seekers and beneficiaries of international protection. The course for asylum-seeking children takes place twice a week and lasts two hours. Children learn Romanian language but also mathematics.

In Rădăuţi, as of October 2019, preparatory classes are held for asylum-seeking and beneficiaries of international protection children and adults, three times per week. The courses target adult beneficiaries of international protection, but the teacher also welcomes asylum seekers. Two age groups were formed, one for 6 to 10 years of age and the other from 10 to 18 years of age. The classes are held separately by a professor from ISJ four times a week. Children learn Romanian language, colour and play.

In Şomcuta Mare, according to the director the course is conducted at the school where they are enrolled.

In Bucharest, preparatory courses are held at School 25, according to the director of the centre.

Asylum-seeking children with special needs enjoy the same alternative arrangements as those provided for Romanian children. Throughout 2022, there were no children with special needs in the Regional Centres of Timișoara, Galaţi, Rădăuţi, Giurgiu, Şomcuta Mare and Bucharest.




[1] Article 17(1)(p) Asylum Act.

[2] Article 6(1) Asylum Decree.

[3] Article 16(1) and (2) Public Education Act.

[4] Article 18(1)-(4) Asylum Act.

Table of contents

  • Statistics
  • Overview of the legal framework
  • Overview of the main changes since the previous report update
  • Asylum Procedure
  • Reception Conditions
  • Detention of Asylum Seekers
  • Content of International Protection
  • ANNEX I – Transposition of the CEAS in national legislation