Provision of information on reception


Country Report: Provision of information on reception Last updated: 24/07/24


JRS Romania

Asylum seekers are informed of their rights and obligations pursuant to Article 17(1)(f) of the Asylum Act. IGI-DAI shall provide written information to asylum seekers in a language they understand or are reasonably supposed to understand, within a maximum of 15 days from the submission of the asylum application.[1] The information shall be provided by the official responsible for receiving the asylum application, according to a template established by order of the General Director of IGI.[2] Where necessary to ensure an adequate understanding of the information by the applicant, it may also be presented orally during the preliminary interview.[3] Competent officers are also required to inform asylum seekers on how to contact NGOs and UNHCR and how to obtain legal assistance and representation.[4] The General Director of IGI appoints the official responsible for ensuring the conditions to carry out the above activities.[5]

The house rules of the reception centres prescribe that, when accommodated in reception centres, asylum seekers also receive information on the rights, obligations, prohibitions and disciplinary sanctions applicable during their stay in the centre. In this regard information is handed to asylum seekers in the form of an information sheet in a language that he or she understands or is reasonably supposed to understand and in which he or she can clearly communicate. Where appropriate, for an adequate understanding of the applicant, information may also be provided orally using the services of an interpreter apt to ensure appropriate communication.[6]The applicant has to sign an acknowledgment of receipt of the information leaflets.

In practice, asylum seekers are expected to contact the NGOs in the Regional Centres in order to get more detailed information on reception conditions, house rules and their rights and obligations.

Bucharest: The Regulation of Internal Order (ROI) is provided in writing by the officer at the checkpoint of the regional centre, at the time of accommodation in the centre, according to the director.

Giurgiu: Asylum seekers receive information about ROI upon arrival in the centre. NGOs organise information sessions with asylum seekers after their arrival at the centre and offer information during individual counselling sessions. The author noticed that ROI was not displayed in the centre.

Galaţi: The ROI is explained in an easily comprehensible manner at the moment of accommodation in the centre, with the assistance of an interpreter, where possible, of a person from the community who speaks English or of the cultural facilitator, who speaks Arabic and Kurdish. The information is provided every time it is requested. There is also written information in the rooms and in the hallway in English. Infographics were also displayed with ROI.

Şomcuta Mare: Asylum seekers are provided general information on the ROI and the projects implemented by NGOs in the Regional Centre, upon transfer from Timişoara. In general, IGI-DAI, more specifically the director of the centre, provides general information to asylum seekers only upon arrival in the centre, while NGO representatives cover the details and additional information on the procedure, rights and obligations. Furthemore, the integration officer also organises group information sessions on ROI and the medical staff informs them about hygienic rules.

Timișoara: Information on the ROI is provided in writing at the registration of the asylum application. There are leaflets in several languages, according to the director of the centre.  ROI was displayed in Romanian, Arabic, English and French on the doors of the accommodation rooms.

Rădăuţi: NGO representatives inform them orally during counselling sessions. Posters with ROI are displayed in several languages on the doors where asylum seekers are accommodated. According to the director of the centre posters were displayed in the centre. The NGO representative stated that these were not displayed after the walls were painted.

Information on the rights, obligations, prohibitions and disciplinary sanctions applicable during the stay in the Regional Centre shall be displayed in each accommodation room in an international language.[7] However, according to the stakeholders interviewed by the author, this is not respected in practice, in all centres.




[1] Article 17(1)(f) Asylum Act; Article 2(1) Asylum Decree.

[2] Article 2(1) Asylum Decree.

[3] Article 2(1^1) Asylum Decree.

[4] Article 2(2) Asylum Decree.

[5] Article 2(3) Asylum Decree.

[6] Article 5(1) and (2) ROI.

[7] Article 5(3) ROI.

Table of contents

  • Statistics
  • Overview of the legal framework
  • Overview of the main changes since the previous report update
  • Asylum Procedure
  • Reception Conditions
  • Detention of Asylum Seekers
  • Content of International Protection
  • ANNEX I – Transposition of the CEAS in national legislation