Types of accommodation


Country Report: Types of accommodation Last updated: 24/07/24


JRS Romania

Most asylum seekers are accommodated in Regional Centres for Accommodation and Procedures for Asylum Seekers, managed by IGI-DAI. The management of reception is decentralised to the level of counties.

The capacity of the different Regional Centres operating across the country (see Freedom of Movement) is as follows:

Capacity and occupancy of the reception system: 2022
Centre Capacity Asylum seekers accommodated during 2022
Timișoara 250 2688
Şomcuta Mare 100 1627
Rădăuţi 130 1583
Galaţi 200* 803
Bucharest 10** 256
Giurgiu 100 1079
Total 790 8036

*May be extended to 310, according to the director of the centre.

**As of July 2021 the regional centre Vasile Stolnicu (320 places) was under renovation and all the asylum seekers were accommodated in Tudor Gociu centre (96 places).

Source: IGI-DAI, 22 February 2023.


The total capacity of the Regional Centres is 1,100 places, with the possibility to extend the capacity with 262 places and 166 specially designed closed spaces. Nevertheless, due to renovations in Vasile Stolnicu centre (Bucharest) the capacity of the centres was reduced to 790 places.

There has not been a situation to date whereby asylum seekers were left without accommodation due to a shortage of places in the reception centres.

In order to increase the number of accommodation places in the regional centres, IGI, under AMIF funds aims to extend the accommodation capacity by 500 places in 3 centres, as follows: Timişoara and Rădăuţi each with 100 places and Galaţi with 300 places. However, the construction works in Timsoara and Rădăuţi were suspended, due to a lawsuit filled by the constructor regarding the price of the construction works.

As a result of the increase of asylum applications made in Romania, IGI, in accordance with the Emergency Ordinance no.38 of 10 May 2018, took over a public building, administered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in order to convert it into an accommodation centre for asylum seekers. The building is located in Crevedia, Dâmbovița County and will have a capacity of 500 places.

In addition to the Regional Centres, AIDRom, one of the NGOs implementing the AMIF national programme, runs two Accommodation Centres for vulnerable groups (see Special Reception Needs).

Asylum seekers may also request to stay in private accommodation at their own cost. In this case, they have to present to IGI-DAI a lease agreement registered with the tax authorities or a commodity contract concluded in authentic form.

In Şomcuta Mare, it was reported by the JRS representative that the capacity of the centre was increased by 50 places, by placing 50 beds in the gym. The highest number of residents was 175.

In Rădăuţi, the capacity may be extended to 150 places officially, according to the director of the centre. The average occupancy during 2022 was 113.85 places.

 In Giurgiu, the director of the centre reported that the number of accommodation places had been increased by 70. Other rooms were were changed into accommodation facilities; new beds and mattresses were bought. The highest number of asylum seekers was 75, but this was only for a short period of time, because they were leaving the centre.

In Galati, according to the director of the centre, the capacity of the centre in 2022 was 310 places. The highest number of asylum seekers accommodated in the centre was 157.

Bucharest: the highest number of accommodated asylum seekers was 85.

Table of contents

  • Statistics
  • Overview of the legal framework
  • Overview of the main changes since the previous report update
  • Asylum Procedure
  • Reception Conditions
  • Detention of Asylum Seekers
  • Content of International Protection
  • ANNEX I – Transposition of the CEAS in national legislation