Access to NGOs and UNHCR


Country Report: Access to NGOs and UNHCR Last updated: 10/07/24


Swedish Refugee Law Center Visit Website

The Swedish Red Cross offers information and legal advice support on asylum and family reunification cases through a free-of-charge number (+46 20 415 000), email, online form or during personal meetings. Swedish Red Cross lawyers, based in Stockholm, Malmö and Gothenburg, can act as legal counsel, mostly in cases within Red Cross prioritised areas such as family reunification and protection needs due to the risk of torture or other forms of ill-treatment.

The Swedish Refugee Law Center provides advice and individual case support in asylum and family reunification cases. This includes legal advice through a free-of-charge number (0200-88 00 66), email ( and via their website, acting as legal counsels in proceedings at the Migration Agency, the Migration Courts and in international processes. Other NGOs offering advice and support to asylum-seekers include Amnesty International and Caritas Sweden.

Some refugee groups have formed their own organisations to support asylum seekers. One is the Swedish branch of the International Federation of Iranian Refugees (IFRS). Unaccompanied children have also organised themselves in an association which provide advice and support to newly arrived unaccompanied children.[1]

UNHCR has an office in Stockholm, covering the Nordics and the Baltics. UNHCR’s operations in Sweden are primarily focused on advocacy and capacity building efforts. The UNHCR office often refers asylum-seekers to NGOs in the respective countries for individual counselling.



[1]          Ensamkommandes Förbund webpage, available at:

Table of contents

  • Statistics
  • Overview of the legal framework
  • Overview of the main changes since the previous report update
  • Asylum Procedure
  • Reception Conditions
  • Detention of Asylum Seekers
  • Content of International Protection
  • ANNEX – I Transposition of the CEAS in national legislation