

Country Report: Housing Last updated: 10/07/24


Swedish Refugee Law Center Visit Website

Persons obtaining positive decisions can be placed in municipalities by the Migration Agency based on a quota system. This is described as “settlement” (Bosättning). A law was passed in 2016 mandating municipalities to receive those granted residence permits after the asylum procedure.[1] This was done to address the situation where many permit holders were forced to wait many months in the Migration Agency’s accommodation and thus delayed their integration into Swedish society. The municipalities now have an obligation to offer them housing within two months from being designated by the Migration Agency as a reception municipality.[2] After that period the responsibility for providing support and housing falls on the municipality, including language courses, school, pre-school.[3] This initial responsibility lasts for 2 years while the so-called establishment process is going through. After that period many municipalities revoke the housing contract and individuals are obliged to find their own accommodation. If they fail they can request social housing as a temporary solution. The responsibility for providing school and pre-school falls on the municipality in accordance with general rules on this subject.

In 2023, a total of 7,689 persons were assigned to be received in municipalities throughout Sweden after receiving a residence permit, including 541 who were resettled, 2,397 who had been staying in reception centres, 2,513 who had been residing in accommodation that they had arranged themselves and 1,404 relatives and 834 “other”.[4]

The average time between the granting of a permit and being settled in a municipality was 62 days in 2023, the same as in 2021, and just above the two-month deadline for leaving Migration Agency accommodation.[5] A total of 1,006 beneficiaries with residence permits were living in Migration Agency accommodation at the end of 2023, down from 1,587 in 2022.[6]

Those granted permits can also find their own accommodation. Should they refuse an offer from a municipality through the Migration Agency, they will no longer receive support or accommodation from the Migration Agency.[7]

Swedish municipalities are obliged by law to provide housing for persons granted protection or the right to stay on other grounds. This obligation lasts for two years only and after that there is no guaranteed housing and persons can be evicted. A court decision has confirmed that this is a correct interpretation of the law.[8] This leads to greater insecurity in the integration process and if no other housing is available locally the refugees might have to move to another town.



[1] Lag (2016:38) om mottagande av vissa nyanlända invandrare för bosättning, available at: http://bit.ly/2mqkzq2.

[2] Section 10, Förordning (2016:39) om mottagande av vissa nyanlända invandrare för bosättning, available in Swedish at: https://bit.ly/3bfdUXN.

[3] Migration Agency, ‘Bosättning i en kommun’, available in Swedish at: http://bit.ly/3XAPykg.

[4] Migration Agency, Monthly statistical report December 2023, including year-end numbers, 31.

[5] Migration Agency, Monthly statistical report December 2023, including year-end numbers, 33.

[6] Migration Agency, Monthly statistical report December 2023, including year-end numbers, 29, and Monthly statistical report December 2022, 2.

[7] Section 11 Lag (2016:38) om mottagande av vissa nyanlända invandrare för bosättning, available at: http://bit.ly/2mqkzq2.

[8] Sabo, ‘Ny dom ger kommun rätt att säga upp nyanländas hyreskontrakt’, 5 April 2018, available in Swedish at: https://bit.ly/2UwxmH2.

Table of contents

  • Statistics
  • Overview of the legal framework
  • Overview of the main changes since the previous report update
  • Asylum Procedure
  • Reception Conditions
  • Detention of Asylum Seekers
  • Content of International Protection
  • ANNEX – I Transposition of the CEAS in national legislation