Overview of the legal framework


Country Report: Overview of the legal framework Last updated: 10/07/24


Swedish Refugee Law Center Visit Website

Main legislative acts relevant to asylum procedures, reception conditions, detention and content of protection

Title in English Original Title (SE) Abbreviation Web Link
Aliens Act, 2005:716 Utlänningslag (2005:716) UtlL https://bit.ly/2Hzrris  (SE)
Law on Reception of Asylum Seekers and Others, 1994:137 Lag (1994:137) om mottagande av asylsökande LMA https://bit.ly/2ES88Ne  (SE)
Act concerning Special Controls of Certain Aliens, 2022:700 Lag (2022:700) om särskild kontroll av vissa utlänningar   http://bitly.ws/z8C8 (SE, EN)


Main implementing decrees and administrative guidelines and regulations relevant to asylum procedures, reception conditions, detention and content of protection

Title in English Original Title (SE) Abbreviation Web Link
Aliens Act Ordinance, 2006:97 Utlänningsförordningen, 2006:97 UtlF https://bit.ly/2HM9fkP (SE)
Ordinance on the Act on Reception of Asylum Seekers, 1994:361


Förordning (1994:361) om lagen om mottagande av asylsökande, 1994:361   https://bit.ly/2jMHsV9 (SE)
Ordinance with Instructions for the Migration Agency, 2019:502 Förordning (2019:502) med instruktion för Migrationsverket   https://bit.ly/2L7YbPr (SE)

Table of contents

  • Statistics
  • Overview of the legal framework
  • Overview of the main changes since the previous report update
  • Asylum Procedure
  • Reception Conditions
  • Detention of Asylum Seekers
  • Content of International Protection
  • ANNEX – I Transposition of the CEAS in national legislation