Immediate procedure


Country Report: Immediate procedure Last updated: 10/07/24


The immediate procedure introduced by Decree Law 113/2018 was repealed by Decree Law 130/2020 and incorporated, with some changes, in the 5 days accelerated procedure, now ruled by Article 28-bis (1) b) applicable where the applicant:[1]

  • Is subject to investigation for crimes which may trigger exclusion from international protection, and the Grounds for Detention in a CPR apply;[2]
  • Has been convicted, including by a non-definitive judgement, of crimes which may trigger exclusion from international protection.

Under the immediate procedure, the Questura promptly notifies the Territorial Commission, which “immediately” proceeds to an interview with the asylum seeker and takes a decision accepting or rejecting the application. The law does not longer provide for the possibility for the Territorial Commission to suspend the decision.[3]

In case of rejection, the law provides that the suspensive effect of a potential appeal is not automatic and has to be requested.[4] The law does not recognise suspensive effect to the appeal even if it includes a suspensive request. Moreover, according to the amended Procedure Decree (Article 35 bis (4) in case of appeal even if the suspensive request is accepted by Court the law does not include this case among the cases where a permit to stay can be issued to the applicant (See Article 35 bis (4) according to which this happens only in cases regulated by Article 35 bis (3) letters b) c) and d) and not d bis).




[1] Article 28-bis (1) (b) of the Procedure Decree, as amended by Decree Law 130/2020 and L 173/2020.

[2] The crimes are those cited by Articles 12(1)(c) and 16 (1)(d-bis) Qualification Decree, which include some serious crimes such as devastation, looting, massacre, civil war, mafia related crimes, murder, extortion, robbery, kidnapping even for the purpose of extortion, terrorism, selling or smuggling weapons, drug dealing, slavery, child prostitution, child pornography, trafficking in human beings, purchase and sale of slaves, sexual violence. Decree Law 113/2018 has also included other crimes excluding the recognition of international protection which are: violence or threat to a public official; serious personal injury; female genital mutilation; serious personal injury to a public official during sporting events; theft if the person wears weapons or narcotics, without using them; home theft. The grounds for detention referred to are those in Article 6(2)(a), (b) and (c) Reception Decree.

[3] Before the Decree Law 130/2020 this possibility was provided by Article 32(1-bis) Procedure Decree, now repealed.

[4] Article 35 bis (3 )(d-bis) and (4) of the Procedure Decree as amended by Decree Law 130/2020 and L 173/2020.

Table of contents

  • Statistics
  • Overview of the legal framework
  • Overview of the main changes since the previous report update
  • Asylum Procedure
  • Reception Conditions
  • Detention of Asylum Seekers
  • Content of International Protection
  • ANNEX I – Transposition of the CEAS in national legislation