The main form of accommodation provided is access to reception centres, which are the Initial Reception Centre in Marsa, Ħal Far Tent Village, Ħal Far Open Centre, Ħal Far Hangar. Two centres are especially dedicated to host minors and women and provide for smaller types of accommodation, namely Dar il -Liedna and Balzan Open Centre. However, beneficiaries of international protection are not allowed to stay in reception centres in. Exceptions can be made for vulnerable persons and families but on a case-by-case basis. AWAS reported that in 2021, a total of 13 beneficiaries were accommodated in open reception centre, mostly THP beneficiaries.
Refugees are entitled to apply to the Maltese Housing Authority for social housing, provided they have been residing in Malta for 12 months and have limited income and assets.[1] Refugees and beneficiaries of subsidiary protection may also apply for a housing benefit if they are renting from private owners.[2]
In a December 2021 report published by JRS Malta and aditus foundation, flag obstacles faced by migrants in accessing decent housing. Interviewees, who included applicants, protection beneficiaries as well as other migrants, commented on exorbitant rent prices and their impact on persons living on a minimum wage, social benefits or less. They flagged discrimination in being denied private rentals due to their immigration status as well as exploitation at being forced to live in substandard conditions, having no alternatives and largely unable to rely on a private rental regime with little monitoring or regulation.[3] Although there is no updated research for 2022, the situation remains generally similar.
[1] Housing Authority, available at
[2] Housing Authority, available at
[3] JRS and aditus foundation, In Pursuit of Livelihood: An in-depth investigation of asylum-seekers’ battle against poverty and social exclusion in Malta, December 2021, available at