Overview of the legal framework


Country Report: Overview of the legal framework Last updated: 26/09/24

Main legislative acts relevant to asylum procedures, reception conditions, detention, and content of protection

Title (EN) Abbreviation Web Link
Chapter 36, Prevention of Disease Ordinance, Ordinance VIII of 1908   https://bit.ly/2E9u73v (EN)
Chapter 217, Immigration Act, Act IX of 1970

Amended by: Act XXXVI of 2015

Amended by: Act XV of 2022

Immigration Act http://bit.ly/1ee7pa9 (EN)

https://bit.ly/3VVBu3e (EN)

https://bit.ly/3vFZoVr (EN)

Chapter 420, International Protection Act, Act XX of 2000 IPA Act https://bit.ly/30XOgUt (EN)
Amended by: Act VI of 2015   http://bit.ly/1LQjEov (EN)
Amended by: Act VII of 2015

Amended by: Act XX of 2017

Amended by:  Act XL of 2020

Amended by: Act XIX of 2022

  http://bit.ly/1Npu2Vg (EN)

http://bit.ly/2DKUu18 (EN)

https://bit.ly/38PosP3 (EN)

https://bit.ly/3GawdyM (EN)

Chapter 465, Public Health Act, Act XIII of 2003 Public Health Act https://bit.ly/3X5mWyW (EN)
Chapter 602, Minor Protection (Alternative Care) Act, Act XXIII of 2019

Amended by: Act XXXIX of 2020

Amended by: Act XXIII of 2021

Minor Care Act https://bit.ly/3bX5Z54 (EN)

https://bit.ly/3Ze2X2D (EN)

https://bit.ly/3WP7A1A (EN)


Main implementing decrees and administrative guidelines and regulations relevant to asylum procedures, reception conditions, detention and content of protection

Title (EN) Abbreviation Web Link
Subsidiary Legislation 217.03, Places of Detention Designation Order, Legal Notice 30 of 1995

Amended by: Legal Notices 65 and 152 of 2002

  https://bit.ly/3ClAZrV (EN)



Subsidiary Legislation 217.05, Status of Long Term Residents (Third Country Nationals) Regulations, Legal Notice 278 of 2006

Amended by: Legal Notice 370 of 2010

Amended by: Legal Notice 197 of 2014

Amended by : Legal Notice 366 of 2015

Amended by: Act XXIX of 2019

Amended by: Legal Notice 84 of 2021

  https://bit.ly/3XaVZtJ (EN)
Subsidiary Legislation 217.06, Family Reunification Regulations, Legal Notice 150 of 2007

Amended by: Legal Notice 148 of 2017

Amended by: Legal Notice 166 of 2018

Family Reunification Regulations https://bit.ly/2FQ0N33  (EN)

https://bit.ly/3jVbibH (EN)

https://bit.ly/3vC8fro (EN)

Subsdiary Legislation 217.07, Permission to Reside for Victims of Trafficking or Illegal Immigration who co-operate with the Maltese Authorities Regulations, Legal Notice 175 of 2017   https://bit.ly/3Zef5Rd (EN)
Subsidiary Legislation 217.08, Monitoring Board for Detained Persons Regulations, Legal Notice 266 of 2007

Amended by: Legal Notices 251 of 2012

Amended by: Legal Notices 425 of 2015

MBDP Regulations http://bit.ly/1GURBTA (EN)
Subsidiary Legislation 217.11, Agency for the Welfare of Asylum-seekers Regulations, Legal Notice 205 of 2009 AWAS Regulations http://bit.ly/1GURCHj (EN)
Subsidiary Legislation 217.12, Common Standards and Procedures for Returning Illegally Staying Third-Country Nationals Regulations, Legal Notice 81 of 2011 Returns Regulations https://bit.ly/2U5VQXR(EN)
Amended by: Legal Notice 15 of 2014

Amended by: Legal Notice 410 of 2020

Amended by: Legal Notice 43 of 2021


https://bit.ly/3Z7GnsN (EN)

https://bit.ly/3igREGw (EN)

https://bit.ly/3jV5sqs (EN)

Subsidiary Legislation 217.13, Immigration Appeals Board (Division) Regulations, Legal Notice 246 of 2011 IAB Divisions Regulations https://bit.ly/3WOO7OK (EN)
Subsidiary Legislation 217.19, Detention Service Regulations, Legal Notice 16 of 2016

Amended by: Legal Notice 330 of 2020

Detention Service Regulations https://bit.ly/2R5z5RN(EN)
Subisidary Legislation 420.01, International Protection Appeals Tribunal (Procedures) Regulations, Legal Notice 252 of 2001

Amended by Legal Notice 426 of 2007

Amended by Legal Notice 426 of 2012

IPAT Regulations https://bit.ly/30UbZVE (EN)
Subsdiary Legislation 420.04, International Protection Appeals Tribunal (Chambers) Rules, Legal Notice 47 of 2005 IPAT Chambers Regulations http://bit.ly/1GHgCyh (EN)
Subsidiary Legislation 420.06, Reception of Asylum-seekers (Minimum Standards) Regulations, Legal Notice 320 of 2005

Amended by: Legal Notice 417 of 2015

Amended by: Legal Notice 487 of 2021

Reception Regulations https://bit.ly/3rdvDqu  (EN)


https://bit.ly/3CqxccX (EN)

https://bit.ly/3X8ZmkC (EN)

Subsidiary Legislation 420.07, Procedural Standards for Granting and Withdrawing International Protection Regulations, Legal Notice 416 of 2015

Amended by: Act XL of 2020

Amended by: Legal Notice 488 of 2021

Amended by: Legal Notice 273 of 2022

Procedural Regulations https://bit.ly/3ltkbpl (EN)


https://bit.ly/3Qix8BV (EN)

https://bit.ly/3GhjH0o (EN)

https://bit.ly/3QjelGx (EN)

Subsidiary Legislation 318.16, Social Security (UN Convention relating to the Status of Refugees) Order, Legal Notice 291 of 2001 Refugees Social Security Regulations http://bit.ly/1eUcuVZ (EN)
Subsidiary Legislation 465.13, Period of Quarantine Order, Legal Notice 40 of 2020

Repealed by Legal Notice 134 of 2022

Quarantine Order https://bit.ly/3WOPhtA (EN)
Migrant Integration Strategy & Action Plan – Vision 2020 Integration Strategy https://bit.ly/2FWLF4x (EN)
Policy regarding Specific Residence Authorisation – Updated policy October 2020 Specific Residence Authorisation https://bit.ly/2OZBQJ9 (EN)
Strategy for the Reception of Asylum Seekers and Irregular Immigrants (2015) 2015 Strategy Document https://goo.gl/FFz7qJ (EN)


Table of contents

  • Statistics
  • Overview of the legal framework
  • Overview of the main changes since the previous report update
  • Asylum Procedure
  • Reception Conditions
  • Detention of Asylum Seekers
  • Content of International Protection
  • ANNEX I – Transposition of the CEAS in national legislation