Main legislative acts on asylum procedures, reception conditions, detention and content of international protection
Title (EN) | Original Title (SI) | Abbreviation | Web Link |
International Protection Act
Official Gazette of RS, No. 16/17 and subsequent amendments |
Zakon o mednarodni zaščiti
Uradni list RS, št. 16/17 in nadaljnje spremembe |
IPA | (SI) |
Foreigners Act
Official Gazette of RS, No. 91/21 and subsequent amendments |
Zakon o tujcih
Uradni list RS, št. 91/21 in nadaljnje spremembe |
Foreigners Act | (SI) |
General Administrative Procedure Act
Official Gazette of RS, No. 24/06 and subsequent amendments |
Zakon o splošnem upravnem postopku
Uradni list RS, št. 24/06 in nadaljnje spremembe | (SI) | |
Administrative Dispute Act
Official Gazette of RS, No.105/06 and subsequent amendments |
Zakon o upravnem sporu
Uradni list RS, št. 105/06 in nadaljnje spremembe | (SI) | |
Temporary Protection of Displaced Persons Act,
Official Gazette of RS, no. 16/17 |
Zakon o začasni zaščiti razseljenih oseb | (SI) |
Main implementing decrees, guidelines and regulations on asylum procedures, reception conditions, detention and content of international protection
Title (EN) | Original Title (SI) | Abbreviation | Web Link |
Rules on the procedure for aliens who wish to apply for international protection in the Republic of Slovenia and on the procedure for accepting applications for international protection
Official Gazette of RS, No. 173/21 and 131/22 |
Pravilnik o postopku s tujcem, ki izrazi namen podati prošnjo za mednarodno zaščito v Republiki Sloveniji, ter postopku sprejema prošnje za mednarodno zaščito
Uradni list RS, št. 173/21 in 131/22 | (SI) | |
Decree on the implementation of the statutory representation of unaccompanied minors and the method of ensuring adequate accommodation, care and treatment of unaccompanied minors
Official Gazette of RS, No. 163/21 and 106/23 |
Uredba o načinu izvajanja zakonitega zastopanja mladoletnikov brez spremstva ter načinu zagotavljanja ustrezne nastanitve, oskrbe in obravnave mladoletnikov brez spremstva,
Uradni list RS, št. 163/21 and 106/23 | (SI) | |
Decree on providing appropriate accommodation, care and treatment of unaccompanied minors
Official Gazette of RS, No. 106/23 |
Uredba o načinu zagotavljanja ustrezne nastanitve, oskrbe in obravnave mladoletnikov brez spremstva,,
Uradni list RS, št. 163/21 |
(SI) |
Rules on the access to refugee counsellors, remuneration and reimbursement of the expenses of refugee counsellors, and criteria for calculation the reimbursement of the expenses from the person with sufficient own means
Official Gazette of RS, No. 162/21 |
Pravilnik o načinu dostopa prosilcev za mednarodno zaščito do svetovalcev za begunce, nagrajevanju in povračilu stroškov svetovalcem za begunce ter merilih za izračun povrnitve stroškov od osebe, ki ima zadostna lastna sredstva
Uradni list RS, št. 162/21 | (SI) | |
Decree on the methods and conditions for ensuring the rights of applicants for international protection
Official Gazette of RS, No. 173/21 |
Uredba o načinih in pogojih za zagotavljanje pravic prosilcem za mednarodno zaščito
Uradni list RS, št. 173/21 | (SI) | |
Decree on the methods and conditions for ensuring the rights of persons with international protection
Official Gazette of RS, No. 173/21 |
Uredba o načinih in pogojih za zagotavljanje pravic osebam z mednarodno zaščito
Uradni list RS, št. 173/21 | (SI) | |
Decree on the relocation of persons admitted to the Republic of Slovenia on the basis of a quota and burden sharing among Member States of the European Union
Official Gazette of RS, No. 24/17 and 167/21 |
Uredba o načinu izvedbe preselitve oseb, ki so v Republiko Slovenijo sprejete na podlagi kvote in delitve bremen med državami članicami Evropske unije
Uradni list RS, št. 24/17 in 167/21 | (SI) | |
Ordinance determining the list of safe countries of origin
Official Gazette of RS, No. 47/22 |
Odlok o določitvi seznama varnih izvornih držav
Uradni list RS, št. 47/22. | (SI) | |
Decree on Asylum Centre House Rules
Official Gazette of RS, No. 173/21 |
Uredba o hišnem redu azilnega doma
Uradni list RS, št. 173/21 | (SI) | |
Rules on residing in the Aliens Centre, depositing own financial resources and on the form and content of the card stating permission to remain in the Republic of Slovenia
Official Gazette of RS, No. 11/15 |
Pravilnik o bivanju v Centru za tujce, deponiranju lastnih sredstev ter obliki in vsebini izkaznice o dovolitvi zadrževanja na območju Republike Slovenije
Uradni list RS, št. 11/15 | (SI) | |
Rules on the content, format and method of issuing passports to refugees
Official Gazette of RS, No. 79/16 |
Pravilnik o vsebini, obliki in načinu izdaje potnega lista za begunca
Uradni list RS, št. 79/16 | (SI) | |
Decree on the House Rules of the Integration House
Official Gazette of RS, No. 173/21 |
Uredba o hišnem redu integracijske hiše
Uradni list RS, št. 173/21 | (SI) | |
Decree on ways of providing support for integration of third country nationals
Official Gazette of RS, No. 109/23 |
Uredba o zagotavljanju pomoči pri vključevanju tujcev, ki niso državljani Evropske unije
Uradni list RS, št. 109/23. | (SI) | |
Rules on the remuneration and reimbursement of the expenses of statutory representatives of unaccompanied minors
Official Gazette of RS, No. 167/21 |
Pravilnik o nagradi in povračilu stroškov zakonitim zastopnikom mladoletnikov brez spremstva
Uradni list RS, št. 167/21 | (SI) | |
Rules on knowledge testing of candidates for refugee counsellors and on the training of refugee counsellors at the Judicial Training Centre
Official Gazette of RS, No. 73/16 |
Pravilnik o preverjanju znanj kandidatov za svetovalce za begunce in o usposabljanju svetovalcev za begunce v okviru Centra za izobraževanje v pravosodju
Uradni list RS, št. 73/16 | (SI) |