Access to the labour market


Country Report: Access to the labour market Last updated: 12/05/23


Beneficiaries of international protection and their reunited family members have free access to the labour market and can be employed, self-employed, or work without having to obtain a special working permit or to meet other requirements.[1] Their access to the labour market is also not conditioned by a market labour test. There is no difference between refugees and beneficiaries of subsidiary protection.

The identification documents issued to beneficiaries of international protection explicitly mentions their right to work, same as IDs for other aliens with this right, which helps prevent misunderstandings in practice.

Beneficiaries also enjoy equal treatment to nationals with regard to the “active employment policy” programmes and other rights as unemployed persons.

Beneficiaries can verify and prove their educational qualifications free of charge (see Access to Education).

The Employment Service of Slovenia set up two positions for employment counsellors working exclusively with beneficiaries of international protection – one in Ljubljana and one in Maribor. Their programme for on-the-job training has also been adjusted to beneficiaries, with longer duration and an appointed mentor. A dictionary of basic Slovenian required for work has also been prepared.

In practice, beneficiaries of international protection face discrimination and reluctance from employers on the labour market. Individuals who cannot obtain proof of education from countries of origin cannot in practice gain certificates of higher education. In practice, beneficiaries of international protection are often employed in positions that require hard physical work (e.g. warehouses, factories, construction etc.)




[1] Article 102 IPA and Article 6(2) Self-Employment and Work of Aliens Act, Official Gazette of RS, No. 47/2015 and subsequent amendments.

Table of contents

  • Statistics
  • Overview of the legal framework
  • Overview of the main changes since the first report
  • Asylum Procedure
  • Reception Conditions
  • Detention of Asylum Seekers
  • Content of International Protection
  • ANNEX I – Transposition of the CEAS in national legislation