Health care


Country Report: Health care Last updated: 10/07/24


Asylum seekers have the right to urgent medical care which includes emergency medical assistance and emergency rescue services based on the decision of a doctor, the right to emergency dental assistance, emergency treatment based on the decision of the treating physician and health care for women, which includes: contraception, abortion, health care during pregnancy and during labour.[1] Asylum-seeking children and students up to the age of 26 are entitled to health care to the same extent as other children in Slovenia who are insured as family members,[2] which means they enjoy full medical coverage.

Vulnerable persons with special needs are also entitled to additional health services, including psychotherapeutic assistance, following approval from a special committee comprised of a representative of the UOIM, a nurse or medical technician employed in the Asylum Home, a representative of NGOs working in the field of asylum and a representative of the Ministry of Health (see Special Reception Needs).[3] Other asylum seekers can also be granted such additional health services by the committee in exceptional cases.[4]

The Asylum Home employs one nurse and ensures daily presence of a doctor through contracts with 4 different doctors. A psychiatrist visits the Asylum Home on a weekly basis. Asylum seekers accommodated in branch facilities can also make an appointment and visit the psychiatrist in the Asylum Home.

Applicants access health care through the regular Slovenian health care system (clinics and hospitals) under the conditions described above. Applicants who need assistance to access health care can be helped by the social workers. Unaccompanied children are escorted to the doctor by their legal guardians. The UOIM provides interpretation for health care-related services both in reception centres and in other medical facilities. Asylum seekers can access the services that are part of the urgent medical care under the same conditions as Slovenian citizens. Specific services for vulnerable groups such as victims of SGBV, trafficking, domestic violence, etc. are also provided by NGOs.

Asylum seekers obtain mandatory health insurance after they have been granted international protection (see Content of Protection: Health Care).[5]




[1] Article 86(1) IPA.

[2] Article 86(3) IPA.

[3] This is the same body which decides on requests to reside outside the Asylum Home, extended by an additional member – representative of the Ministry of Health (see Forms and Levels of Material Reception Conditions).

[4] Article 86(2) IPA.

[5] Article 98(2) IPA.

Table of contents

  • Statistics
  • Overview of the legal framework
  • Overview of the main changes since the first report
  • Asylum Procedure
  • Reception Conditions
  • Detention of Asylum Seekers
  • Content of International Protection
  • ANNEX I – Transposition of the CEAS in national legislation