

Country Report: Housing Last updated: 28/05/24


Beneficiaries of international protection have to vacate the reception centres as soon as the positive decision on their asylum applications becomes enforceable, i.e., within 15 days of being granted status.[1] This did apply to unaccompanied minors accommodated in the Student Dormitory in Postojna.[2]

In line with the amended IPA, beneficiaries need to sign an integration contract with the UOIM if they want to access integration services, including housing.[3] In 2023, 122 beneficiaries signed integration contracts and only 8 beneficiaries did not.[4] In practice integration contracts are normally not signed by beneficiaries who are employed and therefore do not need financial assistance or accommodation in the integration house.

Beneficiaries without financial means and for whom accommodation is not provided in another way must sign the integration contract in order to receive financial assistance for accommodation.[5] They are entitled to assistance for one year after being granted status. If they attend at least 80% of free training in Slovenian language and culture, and visit their case worker at least once a month, the assistance can be prolonged for an additional year.[6] (see Access to Education).[7]

Students, including students enrolled in adult education, who have financial means and are in the Republic of Slovenia without parents or other persons legally required to provide for them, are entitled to the assistance until they finish schooling, but not after they reach the age of 26. The only condition for such assistance is that they obtained their student status within one year of signing the integration contract.[8]

This financial assistance covers the rent for accommodation and related utility costs. The maximum monthly amount for single claimants is calculated based on the monthly amount of financial social assistance, currently € 465,34. In the case of families, the maximum amount per person is less, calculated in accordance with a Decree.[9]

Beneficiaries are assisted to find an apartment in the real estate market and in other integration-related areas by the UOIM and by NGOs, mainly Slovene Philanthropy. High prices and distrust of migrants by potential landlords often pose an obstacle to finding suitable apartments. One identified systemic shortcoming in relation to housing for beneficiaries is the restriction of access to non-profit governmental rental apartments,[10] since this right is by law only available to Slovenian citizens. However, they do have access to non-profit municipal rental apartments in some municipalities.

In the first year after receiving status, monetary assistance can be substituted with free accommodation in “Integration Houses” of the UOIM, which are facilities comprised of apartments for beneficiaries.[11]

If they attend at least 80% of free training in Slovenian language and culture, and visit their case worker at least once a month, the assistance can be prolonged for one additional year.[12]

Based on justified medical or other reasons, accommodation in the Integration House can be extended for a further six months, on the condition that the person signs the integration contract and meets at least one of the above-mentioned conditions.[13] If beneficiaries have their own means of subsistence (of an amount equivalent to the minimal income), or if this is provided to them in another way, they have to cover a proportionate share of accommodation costs in the Integration House or another accommodation facility.[14]

The UOIM currently administers two Integration Houses, one in Ljubljana, intended for families and single women, and one in Maribor, intended for single men:


Capacity and occupancy of Integration Houses
Integration House Capacity Occupancy at 31 December 2023
Ljubljana 15 0
Maribor 35 20
Total 50 20

Information provided by the UOIM, March 2024.

Unaccompanied children who are granted international protection can currently keep their accommodation in the Student Dormitory in Postojna, where they have also been accommodated as asylum applicants. The capacities for systematic accommodation of unaccompanied minors mentioned in Special Reception Needs will also include unaccompanied children with international protection status. At the end of 2023, 3 beneficiaries of international protection were living in the Student Dormitory in Postojna.[15]

Reunited family members of a beneficiary of international protection (both refugee and subsidiary protection status) are entitled to accommodation in an Integration House, together with the sponsor.[16] Reunited family members of a person with refugee status are also entitled to financial assistance with accommodation at a private address,[17] however this right is no longer available to family members of persons with subsidiary protection.




[1] Article 70 (1) IPA.

[2] Observation by the PIC.

[3] Article 90(3) IPA.

[4] Official statistics provided by UOIM, March 2024.

[5] Ibid.

[6] Article 97(1) IPA.

[7] Article 97(2) IPA.

[8] Article 97(3) IPA.

[9] Article 20 Decree on the methods and conditions for ensuring the rights of persons with international protection.

[10] Apartments owned by the municipality, the state, the public housing fund or a non-profit housing organization, leased out under a reduced rent, pursuant to the Housing Act, Official Gazette of RS, No. 69/2003 and subsequent amendments.

[11] Article 93(1) IPA.

[12] Article 93(3) IPA.

[13] Article 93(3) IPA.

[14] Article 93(6) IPA.

[15] Official statistics provided by UOIM, March 2024.

[16] Article 93(2) IPA.

[17] Article 97(5) IPA.

Table of contents

  • Statistics
  • Overview of the legal framework
  • Overview of the main changes since the first report
  • Asylum Procedure
  • Reception Conditions
  • Detention of Asylum Seekers
  • Content of International Protection
  • ANNEX I – Transposition of the CEAS in national legislation