Forms and levels of material reception conditions


Country Report: Forms and levels of material reception conditions Last updated: 28/08/24


Hungarian Helsinki Committee Visit Website

The Asylum Decree determines the content of reception conditions. Pursuant to Section 26(1) of the Asylum Act, ‘reception conditions include material reception conditions, and all entitlements and measures defined in an act of parliament or government decree relating to the freedom of movement of persons seeking asylum, as well as health care, social welfare and the education provided to asylum seekers.’ Under the state of crisis due to ‘mass migration’,[1] the content of material reception conditions is limited to accommodation and food provided in reception facilities, as well as costs of public funeral of the asylum seeker.[2] The state of crisis rules furthermore suspend the applicability of Section 15(2)(c) which enabled asylum seekers to apply for travel allowance.

Apart from material reception conditions there are only healthcare services that are provided to asylum seekers in the framework of reception conditions. Other services such as the reimbursement of educational expenses and financial support (the latter contained only the financial aid to facilitate return to the country of origin) are halted by virtue of the state of crisis due to mass migration.[3] Since 1 April 2016, asylum seekers are not entitled to receive pocket money either.

According to the Asylum Decree, asylum seekers residing in reception centres receive:[4]

  1. Accommodation;
  2. Three meals per day (breakfast, lunch and dinner) or an equivalent amount of food allowance;
  3. Hygienic and dining items or an equivalent amount of allowance.

In Balassagyarmat over the course of 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 food and hygienic items were provided in kind.[5] In 2021, as reported by Menedék Association and according to the law, asylum seekers could choose from the forms of food provision. In practice beyond a certain number of applicants, reception facilities leave no choice and provide food exclusively in kind. This is supported by information of the NDGAP regarding food provision in Vámosszabadi.[6] According to the NDGAP, in Vámosszabadi asylum seekers had been provided with food allowance since 31 May 2018.[7] With the closure of the transit zones though, the number of asylum seekers significantly grew in May 2020. According to the asylum authority, between 21 May 2020 and 26 July 2020, asylum seekers received food either in kind or in allowance, whereas since 27 July 2020 only food allowance has been provided. In 2021, the NDGAP reported that residents received food allowance or provision based on costs efficiency considerations.[8] As long as the number of residents was low, between January and the end of August as well as from 25 November, food allowance was distributed. In the course of autumn, due to the arrival of Afghan evacuees, food was given in kind. Hygienic items were given in kind in 2020 as well as in 2021.[9] There was no asylum seeker in Vámosszabadi in 2022 nor in 2023.

Cooking was a possibility for residents both in Balassagyarmat and Vámosszabadi. However, in case of in-kind food provision, asylum seekers cannot opt for cooking if they don’t have enough financial recourses.




[1] Section 99/B and 99/C (c)-(d) Asylum Decree.

[2] Section 15(2)(a), (d) Asylum Decree.

[3] Section 99/C(c) Asylum Decree.

[4] Section 21 Asylum Decree.

[5] Based on the information provided by the NDGAP on 3 March 2021, 7 February 2022, 13 February 2023 and 19 February 2024.

[6] Information provided by the NDGAP on 3 March 2021.

[7] Information provided by former IAO, 12 February 2019 and 2 February 2020.

[8] Information provided by the NDGAP on 7 February 2022.

[9] Information provided by the NDGAP on 3 March 2021 and on 7 February 2022.

Table of contents

  • Statistics
  • Overview of the legal framework
  • Overview of the main changes since the previous report update
  • Asylum Procedure
  • Reception Conditions
  • Detention of Asylum Seekers
  • Content of International Protection
  • ANNEX I – Transposition of the CEAS in national legislation