Provision of information on reception


Country Report: Provision of information on reception Last updated: 20/07/24


Hungarian Helsinki Committee Visit Website

Asylum seekers are informed of their rights and obligations pursuant to Section 17(3) of the Asylum Decree. After the submission of the asylum application, the NDGAP shall inform the person seeking asylum in writing in their mother tongue or in another language understood by them, without delay and within a maximum of 15 days, concerning all provisions and assistance to which they are entitled under the law, as well as the obligations with which they must comply in respect to reception conditions, and information as to organisations providing legal or other individual assistance.

Information is also provided orally to asylum seekers on the day when they arrive at the reception centre, in addition to an information leaflet. The information given includes the house rules of the reception centre, the material assistance to which applicants are entitled, and information on access to education and health care. Since 2019 the written information on reception conditions is available in Hungarian, English, Arabic and Farsi in Vámosszabadi.[1]

On the COVID-19 pandemic, NGOs such as the Menedék Association, the HHC and the Next Step Hungary Association made relevant information available for asylum seekers online.[2]




[1] Reported by the Menedék Association since 2020.

[2] HHC, ‘On the partial lockdown regulations’, 27 March 2020, available at:; HHC, Who can enter Hungary during Covid-19 restrictions?’, last update 5 May 2021, available at:; HHC, Information from the Hungarian Helsinki Committee Pass, last update 5 May 2021, available at:; Next Step Hungary Association, ‘Coronavirus in Hungary – Info and Resources’, 18 May 2020, available at:; Menedék Association, Information regarding Corona Virus, available at:; Menedék Association, ‘Information for Parents Concerning Coronavirus’, 30 April 2020, available at:

Table of contents

  • Statistics
  • Overview of the legal framework
  • Overview of the main changes since the previous report update
  • Asylum Procedure
  • Reception Conditions
  • Detention of Asylum Seekers
  • Content of International Protection
  • ANNEX I – Transposition of the CEAS in national legislation