List of authorities intervening in each stage of the procedure


Country Report: List of authorities intervening in each stage of the procedure Last updated: 10/07/24


Croatian Law Centre Visit Website
Stage of the procedure Competent authority (EN) Competent authority (HR)
Intention to apply    
v  At the border Border Police, Ministry of Interior Granična policija
v  On the territory Police administration or Police station

Reception centre for Foreigners


Exceptionally Reception Centre for Applicants for International Protection

Policijska uprava

Policijska postaja

Prihvatni centar za strance

Prihvatilište za tražitelje međunarodnu zaštite

Registration of application  

Border police

Police administration or Police station

Reception Centre for Foreigners






Reception Centre for Applicants for International Protection, Ministry of Interior


Granična policija

Policijska uprava ili policijska postaja

Prihvatni centar za strance



Prihvatilište za tražitelje međunarodne zaštite, Ministarstvo unutarnjih poslova

Dublin (responsibility assessment) Department for Dublin procedure, Ministry of Interior Odjel za dublinski postupak, Ministarstvo unutarnjih poslova
Refugee status determination Department for international protection procedure, Ministry of Interior Odjel za postupak međunardne zaštite, Ministarstvo unutarnjih poslova
v  Lawsuit/complaint Administrative Court Upravni sud
v  Onward appeal High Administrative Court Visoki upravni sud
Subsequent application Department for international protection procedure, Ministry of Interior Odjel za postupak međunarodne zaštite, Ministarstvo unutarnjih poslova


Table of contents

  • Statistics
  • Overview of the legal framework
  • Overview of the of the main changes since the previous report update
  • Asylum Procedure
  • Reception Conditions
  • Detention of Asylum Seekers
  • Content of International Protection
  • ANNEX I – Transposition of the CEAS in national legislation