

Country Report: Identification Last updated: 10/07/24


Croatian Law Centre Visit Website

According to the LITP, vulnerable groups include persons without legal capacity, children, unaccompanied children, elderly and infirm persons, seriously ill persons, disabled persons, pregnant women, single parents with minor children, persons with mental disorders and victims of trafficking, as well as victims of torture, rape or other forms of psychological, physical and sexual violence, such as victims of female genital mutilation.[1]


Screening of vulnerability

The LITP has introduced special procedural and reception guarantees.[2] It specifies that appropriate support must be provided to applicants in relation to their personal circumstances, amongst other things their age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, serious illness, mental health, or as a consequence of torture, rape or other serious forms of psychological, physical or sexual violence, for the purpose of exercising the rights and obligations from the LITP. The procedure of recognising the personal circumstances of applicants shall be conducted continuously by specially trained police officers, employees of the Ministry of Interior and other competent bodies, from the moment of the expression of intention to apply for international protection until the delivery of the decision on the application.

There is no further detailed guidance available in the law, nor an early identification mechanism in the form of internal guidance, according to the knowledge of Croatian Law Centre.

Early identification is conducted by the police officers in accordance with the Article 15 LITP at the moment of the expression of the intention to apply for international protection. Police then accordingly inform the Reception Centre for Applicants for International Protection and further identification during the procedure for international protection is done by social workers of the Reception Centre as well as employees of NGOs with which the Ministry has cooperation agreements and who come into first contact with applicants when they arrive in the centres.[3]

According to the Ministry of Interior, in 2023, 12,389 applicants for international protection were identified as members of vulnerable groups. Out of the total number, 10,634 were children; 1,516 unaccompanied children; 49 female and 15 male applicants were victims of gender-based violence; 1 female and 14 male applicants were exposed to torture in the country of origin; 16 applicants were exposed to psychological violence, of which 3 women and 13 men, while 10 male applicants were exposed to physical violence. The remaining number of vulnerable applicants is divided by other categories of vulnerability. According to the Ministry of Interior, due to the short stay in Reception Centres for applicants for international protection but also the fact that out of all persons who express their intention to apply for international protection, 48% of applicants never appear in Reception Centres, the identification of vulnerable groups is much more difficult.[4] According to the report of the ombudswoman for 2023, the identification of vulnerability among applicants, in addition to the rapid daily fluctuation of applicants within the Reception Centres, was additionally made difficult as CSOs were not able to enter the Reception Centres for Applicants for international protection. Namely, before 2021 and introduction of measures related to COVID-19, several organizations had access to centres through signed agreements with the Ministry of Interior. Some provided psychosocial help and support to those applicants who requested it, thus contributing to the identification of indicators of vulnerability.[5]

In April 2021, a Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) in Cases of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV) in the Reception Centres for Applicants of International Protection entered into force. The SOP was developed in cooperation with the Ministry of Interior, UNHCR, IOM, MDM-BELGIQUE, the Croatian Red Cross and the Croatian Law Centre. SOP contain procedures, roles, and responsibilities of service providers involved in the prevention and response to SGBV in the reception centres.

Regular meetings of involved organisations and the Ministry of Interior are held each year to discuss current trends, statistical data, actions taken to strengthen prevention of further violence and ensure adequate support for victims, actions that will be taken in coming period, annual reports on SGBV, the method of data collection and their purpose, etc.

In 2023, three meetings of the Coordination Group for Sexual and Gender-Based Violence were held to discuss recorded data on the number of cases of sexual and gender-based violence reported in receptions centres for applicants for international protection and to evaluate the efficacy of the Standard Operating Procedure for prevention and response in the case of sexual and gender-based violence in reception centres for applicants for international protection in Croatia.[6] So far, the implementation of  SOP has proven effective.

MDM-BELGIQUE has noticed an additional increase in cases of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) – with 106 recorded cases in 2023, compared to 66 cases[7] in 2022.[8]

The Ombudsperson for Gender Equality[9] reported that the Ministry of Interior keeps records of vulnerable groups of applicants seeking international protection. According to the records during 2023 in the Reception Centres for applicants for international protection in Zagreb and  Kutina, a total of 49 female and 15 male applicants were identified as victims of gender-based violence. The applicants experienced several different types of violence: sexual violence was experienced by 20 male applicants and 2 female applicants for international protection, 38 female applicants and 14 male applicants for international protection were exposed to physical violence, while 41 female applicants and 9 male applicants for international protection were exposed to psychological violence. 8 female applicants were exposed to harmful traditional practices and 3 female applicants experienced socioeconomic violence. All identified persons who survived some of forms of gender based violence, as well as victims of torture, physical or psychological violence, are referred to organizations that provide psychosocial support in the Reception Centres, i.e., to the Croatian Red Cross and  Médecins du Monde and they are continuously provided access to psychosocial care. In addition, when needed, the latter referred applicants for treatment with psychiatrists, while for the purpose of better information, educational activities were also carried out. Applicants who are victims of violence in addition to primary health care protection, can also get specialist health care.

In September 2023, the Council of Europe Expert Group on Action against Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (GREVIO) published its baseline evaluation report on Croatia.[10] GREVIO is concerned that gender-based violence-related claims to international protection are either not being recorded in the system or identified during the refugee status determination process.

In its report, GREVIO commended SOP but also stated that although there is a useful standardized form for reporting incidents of sexual and gender-based violence, staff in Reception Centre have a requirement to report any instance of violence irrespective of whether the woman gives her consent and women are not informed of this requirement until the end of the process. According to GREVIO, to empower women, they should be informed at the outset of the interview that there is a legal requirement on the interviewer to pass on information. This would enable the victims to make an informed decision on whether to continue with the interview. It would also be more effective if the protocol was applied to all asylum-seeking women and migrants at the borders and elsewhere, not just those in accommodation centres.[11]

In 2022, the Governmental Office for Gender Equality, in cooperation with the Ministry of Interior and UNHCR, published a leaflet intended to inform victims of gender-based violence about available protection options and services. The leaflet is intended primarily for female migrants, refugees and applicants for international protection, although it acknowledges that gender-based violence can be committed against men. It is available in 8 languages (Arabic, Croatian, English, Farsi, French, Kurdish, Turkish and Urdu).[12]

In addition, in accordance with the Protocol on identification, assistance and protection of victims of human trafficking, identification of victims of human trafficking is carried out by the Ministry of Interior (MoI) in cooperation with the Croatian Red Cross and civil society organizations. If the victim is a child, the MoI will cooperate in the  identification procedure with the ministry responsible for social welfare affairs and civil society organizations.[13]

The Centre for Peace Studies (CPS) reported that, in 2023, they observed deficiencies in the identification of applicants for international protection as victims of human trafficking despite the existence of statements, documentation and other evidence that point to the existence of said criminal act. The CPS also reported that the system of identifying vulnerable groups within the Reception Centre for Applicants for International Protection, and especially in the Reception Centres for foreigners, is not adequate.[14]

In 2023, MDM-BELGIQUE, continued to provide multidisciplinary and linguistically adapted care to applicants for international protection – especially in the process of identifying and providing support to the most vulnerable among them (women, children, LGBT+ persons, survivors of gender-based violence, human trafficking or torture, persons with disabilities, children with developmental disabilities and their families, single parents of minor children etc.) – at the Reception Centre for Applicants for International Protection in Zagreb with occasional visits depending on needs to the Reception Centre for Applicants for International Protection Seekers in Kutina.[15]

The Croatian Red Cross (CRC) provides psychosocial and practical support and assistance to applicants for international protection in Reception Centres for Applicants for International Protection, based on the identified needs of individuals and families. CRC identifies vulnerable groups (children, unaccompanied children, the elderly, single women, people with physical and mental disabilities, people who have experienced trauma or torture, potential victims of trafficking, victims of domestic violence) and plans work tailored to their specific needs. However, CRC reported that working with vulnerable categories of applicants was challenging in the course of 2023 due to extremely large influx of people who stayed in the Reception Centre for Applicants for International Protection for a very short time, which made difficult identification of vulnerabilities (e.g., persons with disabilities, pregnant women, single parents with children, etc.). However, in 2023, during the initial and individual interviews conducted by CRC, as particularly vulnerable, following groups were identified: unaccompanied children, parents with children who were temporarily separated from the rest of the family, single parents and children of single parents, people with severe psychological difficulties (acute psychotic conditions, suicide attempts, etc.), people with serious health problems (cerebral palsy, limb amputations…), pregnant women, victims of torture, victims of gender-based violence, single women and people with addiction problems.[16]

Are You Syrious reported that as an organization that has direct contact with children seeking international protection and children with granted international protection, a great need for more systematic, sustainable and better psychosocial support for this vulnerable population was observed. Accumulated  stress that these children experience and a great risk for development mental health difficulties require greater activation of the system in terms of protection mental health.[17]

During 2023, a total of 379 persons to whom special guarantees applied, were accommodated outside the Reception Centres for Applicants for International Protection. That included: 1 applicant for international protection who, due to a serious illness, was accommodated in a nursing home for the elderly, 1 minor applicant who was accommodated in a social care institution due to domestic violence, 2 women who were victims of gender-based violence who were accommodated in safe houses, one of whom who was accommodated there together with her minor child and a total of 374 unaccompanied children who were accommodated in homes for children and youth. However, the majority of unaccompanied children who were accommodated in children’s homes, arbitrarily left the institution very soon after placement and have never returned, nor did they report a change of residence within the territory of the Republic of Croatia. In addition, a total of 1,113 unaccompanied children were accommodated in Reception centers for applicants for international protection.[18]

Unaccompanied children

The Government adopted a Protocol on the treatment of unaccompanied children on 30 August 2018.[19] The protocol aims to improve the position of unaccompanied children, provides a detailed overview of all procedures and provides guidance for all relevant actors coming in contact and working with this category of children. The Protocol elaborates in 14 chapters on the various issues faced by unaccompanied children. According to the Ministry of Interior, an Interdepartmental Commission for the protection of unaccompanied children has been established. The Commission was established with the aim to improve inter-agency cooperation between state administration bodies and other stakeholders involved in the protection of unaccompanied children. The Commission is composed of representatives of the Ministry of Labour, Pension System, Family and Social Policy, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Science and Education, the Ministry of Health, the Office for Human Rights and Rights of National Minorities and international organisations dealing with the protection of the rights of the child or refugee rights and, institutions and civil society organisations engaged in humanitarian work, i.e., protection of children’s rights.

On 1 January 2019, the new Law on Foster Care entered into force, which provides for the possibility of unaccompanied children to stay in a foster family.[20] According to the Ombudsperson for Children, this possibility was not used in 2020,[21] while in 2021, 3 unaccompanied children were placed in foster families.[22]  In 2022, only one accommodation in foster family took place.[23] According to the Ministry of Interior, there were no unaccompanied children staying with foster families in 2023.[24]

In 2023, the implementing partner of the UNICEF Office for Croatia, Centre for Psychological Counselling, Education and Research- Sirius, printed posters and leaflets promoting the foster care of unaccompanied children. The poster and leaflets are in Croatian.[25]

In 2023, 1,113 unaccompanied children were accommodated in reception centres for applicants for international protection, and a total of 374 unaccompanied children were accommodated in homes for children and youth. The majority of unaccompanied children who were accommodated in homes for children and youth voluntarily left those institutions within a short period after placement, and have never returned back, nor did they report a change of place of stay in the Republic of Croatia.[26]

A new[27] Interdepartmental Commission for the Protection of Unaccompanied Children was established by a decision of the Government of the Republic of Croatia on 5 January 2022.[28] The decision states that the goal of the Commission is to improve the interdepartmental cooperation of competent authorities and other stakeholders involved in the protection of unaccompanied children.

In 2022, the Croatian Government adopted a Decision on the appointment of a representatives of the Interdepartmental Commission for the Protection of Unaccompanied Children,[29] in accordance with the Protocol on the Treatment of Unaccompanied Children.

According to the Ombudswoman for Children, the Commission met once at the end of 2023. At the meeting  data on unaccompanied children for 2023 were presented as well as UNICEF’s “Assessment of the system of managing information on the protection of unaccompanied children”.[30]

According to the report of the Ombudswoman for Children, in 2023, 12,150 children requested international protection, which represented a significant increase compared to 2022. Out of the total number of children seeking international protection, 1,516 were unaccompanied. 102 of them were below the age of 13, while 281 of them were aged 14-15. However, only 19 unaccompanied minors submitted applications for international protection in 2023, compared to 104 in 2022. Regardless of the year the application was submitted, in 2023, 156 procedures for international protection in cases of unaccompanied minors were suspended (due to withdrawal of applications), while international protection was granted to 14 accompanied minors.[31]

In November 2023, the Croatian Red Cross, in cooperation with the UNHCR, organized training for special guardians for unaccompanied children in Osijek. The education aimed to improve the knowledge and skills of special guardians and to exchange experiences of good practice in the system of protection, care, and support for unaccompanied children in Croatia. In total 30 participants from the Croatian Institute for Social Work and City Red Cross Society Osijek participated in the training.[32]

In the course of 2023, the problems with the inadequate accommodation of unaccompanied children continued. The UNICEF office for Croatia reported that the accommodation of unaccompanied children is still a special challenge in the social care system, given the general increase in the number of children removed from their families and the increase in requests for accommodation in social care homes, as well as the fact that this is still most often realized in social care homes for children with behavioural problems. Social care homes where unaccompanied children are accommodated reported an increase in the number of unaccompanied children in 2023. Social care homes also reported that children stay in that accommodation for a very short period of time.[33]

The UNICEF Office for Croatia also reported challenges identified through communication and cooperation with the UNICEF Office in Bosnia and Herzegovina, also confirmed by Croatian authorities, i.e., by the Reception centres for applicants for international protection, social welfare institutions that accommodate unaccompanied children, as well as by the Border Directorate of the Croatian Ministry of the Interior. According to that information, unaccompanied children from third countries who find themselves on the territory of Croatia often present themselves as adults which results in their placement in the Reception Centers for applicants for international protection or the Reception Centers for Foreigners or Transit Reception Centers for foreigners in Tovarnik and Trilj. In addition to inadequate accommodation, an unaccompanied child, presenting as an adult, is not appointed a special guardian and remains unrecognized in the social welfare system. This puts unaccompanied children at risk and it is difficult to respond to their specific needs and exercise their rights. The UNICEF office for Croatia also reported that the monitoring of data on unaccompanied children in the Republic of Croatia continues to be a problem. Although the relevant ministries, primarily the Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Labour, Pension System, Family and Social Policy, consistently maintain data on unaccompanied children through well-developed information systems, the data between State bodies are neither comparable nor harmonized.[34]

CPS also reported continued problems of inadequate accommodation provided to unaccompanied children in social care homes for children with behavioural problems.[35] In addition, CPS reported that most children who are older than 16, were placed in reception centres for applicants for international protection, which means together with adults.

In 2023, the National Action Plan (NAP)  to implement the EU Council Recommendation on establishing a European Child Guarantee[36]  was adopted.[37] The aim is to enable access to services for children at greatest risk of poverty and social exclusion in Croatia, and therefore children in need are in the focus of this NAP.

The NAP is a comprehensive national document that forms the basis for the implementation of measures and activities in key areas of intervention arising from needs and development potentials related to combating child poverty and social exclusion, with an emphasis on cross-sectoral cooperation and joint action.

Six general objectives were defined in NAP: 1. Improved access to early childhood education and care; 2. Ensured access to education and support for children at risk of poverty and social exclusion; 3. Ensured access to quality meal nutrition for children at risk of poverty and social exclusion; 4. Ensured access to health services for children at risk of poverty and social exclusion; 5. Ensured access to adequate housing for children at risk of poverty and social exclusion; and 6. Improved accessibility of social services in the community to children at risk of poverty and social exclusion

Children with a migrant background (unaccompanied children, children seeking international protection, applicants for international protection, foreigners under subsidiary and temporary protection who are under the age of 18) have been identified as children in need.

Victims of sexual and gender-based violence

In April 2021, a Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) in Cases of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV) in the Reception Centres for Applicants of International Protection entered into force. The SOP was developed in cooperation with the Ministry of Interior, UNHCR, IOM, MDM-BELGIQUE, the Croatian Red Cross and the Croatian Law Centre. SOP contain procedures, roles, and responsibilities of service providers involved in the prevention and response to SGBV in the reception centres.

From 2021, a standardized application form applies in the Reception Centres for reporting cases of sexual and gender-based violence as part of SOP.[38]

In 2022, UNHCR Croatia carried out capacity-building activities with key stakeholders dealing with refugees, more specifically through trainings on gender-based violence, protection from sexual exploitation and abuse (PSEA), the fight against human trafficking and communication with communities. The activities involved state and non-governmental employees, members of the Coordination group for sexual and gender-based violence, operators of the 112-emergency telephone line and the newly established telephone line run by UNHCR and partner Croatian Law Centre specifically for Ukrainian refugees. In addition to the above, numerous informative materials on the mentioned areas were created and their distribution ensured. Furthermore, UNHCR and the Council of Europe (CoE) organized an online event on the topic ‘Preventing, combating and responding to gender-based violence in the context of asylum and migration’, which gathered experts and key stakeholders of the system who encounter gender-based violence issues in their work.[39]

In 2022, the Governmental Office for Gender Equality, in cooperation with the Ministry of Interior and UNHCR, published a leaflet intended to inform victims of gender-based violence about available protection options and services. The leaflet is intended primarily for female migrants, refugees and applicants for international protection, although it acknowledges that gender-based violence can be committed against men, and is available in eight languages (Arabic, Croatian, English, Farsi, French, Kurdish, Turkish and Urdu).[40]

Officials of the Service for the reception and accommodation of applicants for international protection systematically monitor the needs of persons who have survived some form of violence and continuously improve their skills through education (identification of vulnerable groups, gender-based violence, etc.) They also exchange experiences at meetings of the Coordination Group for sexual and gender-based violence, and if necessary cooperate with the professional staff of the Croatian Institute for Social Work and keep records on the number, type of violence and specific characteristics of persons who have survived some kind of violence.[41]

The Ombudsperson for Gender Equality reported that the Ministry of Interior keeps records of vulnerable groups of applicants seeking international protection.[42]  According to the records, during 2023, in the Reception Centres for applicants for international protection in Zagreb and  Kutina, a total of 49 female and 15 male applicants were identified as victims of gender-based violence. The applicants experienced several different types of violence: sexual violence was experienced by 20 male applicants and 2 female applicants for international protection,  38 female applicants and 14 male applicants for international protection were exposed to physical violence, while 41 female applicants and 9 male applicants for international protection were exposed to psychological violence.  8 female applicants were exposed to harmful traditional practices and 3 female applicants experienced socioeconomic violence. All identified persons who survived some of the forms of gender based violence, as well as victims of torture, physical or psychological violence, are referred to organizations that provide psychosocial support in the Reception Centres i.e., to the Croatian Red Cross and  Médecins du Monde and they are continuously provided with access to psychosocial care. In addition, when needed they referred to treatment of psychiatrists, while for the purpose of better information, educational activities are also carried out. In addition to primary health care protection, applicants who are victims of violence are also provided with specialist health care.

Victims of trauma and mental health issues

In May 2023, MdM issued its publication entitled “Physical and mental health of applicants for international protection in the Republic of Croatia – new trends, observations, challenges and recommendations”, developed with support of the European Union’s Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (‘AMIF’) and Government of Croatia (Ministry of Health).[43]

In 2023, the Rehabilitation Centre for Stress and Trauma (RCT) provided psycho-social support to victims of torture. During the year, some of the RCT’s beneficiaries were victims of torture who experienced physical and psychological trauma in their countries of origin, and as a result have health and psychological problems such as heavy thoughts, periods of depression, insomnia and burnout. RCT provided them with more significant support through individual psychotherapy and support [44]


Age assessment of unaccompanied children

The LITP foresees the possibility of an age assessment procedure if, during the procedure for international protection, doubt arises regarding the age of an unaccompanied child.[45] The assessment of the child’s age shall be conducted on the basis of the information available on the child, including the expert opinions of persons involved in work with the child. If the information available is insufficient, a medical examination shall be conducted, with the prior written consent of the child and the guardian. The medical examination shall be conducted by means of a physical examination, X-ray of the teeth and/or hands, with full respect for the dignity of the unaccompanied child. An unaccompanied child shall be informed in writing in a language which he or she may justifiably be presumed to understand and in which he or she is able to communicate about the manner of examination and its possible consequences for his or her health, the consequences of the results of the medical examination for his or her application, as well as the consequences of unjustified refusal. In the case of unjustified refusal of consent, the unaccompanied child shall be deemed to be an adult applicant. The application cannot be refused exclusively on the basis of the fact that consent to perform a medical examination was not given. During the medical examination, an unaccompanied child who does not understand Croatian shall be provided with a translator/interpreter for a language which he or she may justifiably be presumed to understand and in which he or she is able to communicate. The costs of the medical examination shall be borne by the Ministry. If, even following the results and report on the medical examination undertaken, there is still doubt regarding the age of the minor, the concept of benefit of the doubt shall be applied.

The LITP does not foresee the possibility to appeal against the outcome of age assessments-The Ministry of Interior stressed that in case of doubt in the opinion of the doctor, new medical examinations would be initiated. The Ministry also emphasises that in such case, the concept of benefit of the doubt shall be applied.[46]

In 2023, the Ministry of Interior decided to initiate the age assessment procedure for two children and two procedures of medical expertise were conducted and concluded that the applicants were adults.[47]




[1] Article 4(1)(14) LITP.

[2] Article 15 LITP.

[3] ECRE, Balkan route reversed, December 2016, p. 26, available at:

[4] Information provided by the Ministry of Interior, 8 March 2024.

[5] Ombudswoman: Report of the Ombudswoman for 2023, available in Croatian at:

[6] Croatian Law Centre, The Croatian Asylum System in 2022 – National Report. The report was prepared as part of the project “Legal Assistance and Capacity Building for Access to Territory and Asylum in Croatia“, with financial support of the UNHCR Croatia: available in English at:

[8] Information provided by MDM-BELGIQUE, 23 February 2024.

[9] Ombudsperson for Gender Equality, Report of the Ombudsperson for Gender Equality for 2023,available in Croatian at:, 242.

[10] GREVIO: (Baseline) Evaluation Report on legislative and other measures giving effect to the provisions of the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (Istanbul Convention)-CROATIA; available at:, 79.

[11] GREVIO: (Baseline) Evaluation Report on legislative and other measures giving effect to the provisions of the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (Istanbul Convention)-CROATIA; available at:

[12] Office for Gender Equality, The Office for Gender Equality published a leaflet for female migrants, refugees and asylum seekers, available in Croatian at:

[13] Protocol on identification, assistance and protection of victims of human trafficking, available in Croatian at:

[14] Information provided by Centre for Peace Studies, 30 January 2024.

[15] Information provided by MDM-BELGIQUE, 23 February 2024.

[16] Information provided by Croatian Red Cross, 15 January 2024

[17] Information provided by Are You Syrious, 29 January 2024.

[18] Information provided by the Ministry of Interior, 8 March 2024.

[19] Protocol on the treatment of unaccompanied children, 30 August 2018, available in Croatian at:

[20] Official Gazette 115/18, amendment Official Gazette 18/22

[21] Ombudsperson for Children: Report on the work of the Ombudsman for Children in 2020, March 2021, available online as of 7 April 2021 at:

[22] It is not clear whether they were applicants for international protection. Ombudsperson for Children: Report on the work of the Ombudsman for Children in 2021, available in Croatian:

[23] Ombudswoman for children report for 2022, available in Croatian at:

[24] Information provided by the Ministry of Interior, 8 March 2024.

[25] Information provided by UNICEF, 22 January 2024

[26] Information provided by the Ministry of Interior, 8 March 2024.

[27] The first Interdepartmental Commission for the protection of unaccompanied children was established in 2018.

[28] Government of the Republic of Croatia, Decision on the establishment of the Interdepartmental Commission for the Protection of Unaccompanied Children, available in Official Gazette 3/2022 in Croatian at:

[29] Decision on the appointment of the president, deputy president, secretary, members and deputy members of the Interdepartmental Commission for the Protection of Unaccompanied Children, Official Gazette 52/2022, available at:

[30] Ombudswoman, Report of the Ombudswoman for Children for 2023, available in Croatian at:

[31] Ombudswoman, Report of the Ombudswoman for Children for 2023, available in Croatian at:

[32] Croatian Red Cross, Education for special guardians which are appointed for unaccompanied children, 22 November 2023, available at:

[33] Information provided by UNICEF, 22 January 2024

[34] Ibid.

[35] Information provided by Centre for Peace Studies, 30 January 2024.

[36] National Action Plan to implement the EU Council Recommendation on establishing a European Child Guarantee, available in Croatian: and in English:

[37] Decision on the adoption of the National Action Plan for the implementation of the recommendation of the Council of the European Union on the establishment of a European Child guarantee, Official Gazette 87/2023, available in Croatian at:

[38] Ombudsperson for Gender Equality, Report of the Ombudsperson for Gender Equality for 2023,available in Croatian at:, 242.

[39] Croatian Law Centre, The Croatian Asylum System in 2022 – National Report. The report was prepared as part of the project “Legal Assistance and Capacity Building for Access to Territory and Asylum in Croatia“, with financial support of the UNHCR Croatia: available in English at:

[40] Office for Gender Equality: The Office for Gender Equality published a leaflet for female migrants, refugees and asylum seekers, available in Croatian at:

[41] Ombudsperson for Gender Equality, Report of the Ombudsperson for Gender Equality for 2023,available in Croatian at:, 242.

[42] Ombudsperson for Gender Equality, Report of the Ombudsperson for Gender Equality for 2023,available in Croatian at:, 242.

[43] MdM Publication Physical and mental health of applicants for international protection in the Republic of Croatia – new trends, observations, challenges and recommendations available in Croatian at: and in English at:

[44] Information provided by the  Rehabilitation Centre for Stress and Trauma, 30 January 2024.

[45] Article 18 LITP.

[46] Information provided by the Ministry of Interior, 2 March 2017.

[47] Information provided by the Ministry of Interior, 8 March 2024.

Table of contents

  • Statistics
  • Overview of the legal framework
  • Overview of the of the main changes since the previous report update
  • Asylum Procedure
  • Reception Conditions
  • Detention of Asylum Seekers
  • Content of International Protection
  • ANNEX I – Transposition of the CEAS in national legislation