Content of International Protection


Country Report: Content of International Protection Last updated: 10/07/24


Croatian Law Centre Visit Website

Croatia currently does not have a valid migration policy, the most important national strategic document for migration management. In the period up to 2015, Croatia adopted two migration policies, one for the period 2007-2008, and the subsequent one for the period 2013-2015. According to the available information, a new migration policy is being prepared, but it was drafted primarily by the Croatian Ministry of Interior, without significant involvement of independent professionals, and completely without the involvement of civil society organisations.

The previous Action plan for the integration of beneficiaries of international protection, which covered the period from 2017-2019 expired at the end of 2019. By the end of 2023, the new Action Plan was still not adopted. According to the Ombudsman’s report for 2023, the new National Program for the Integration of Persons Under International Protection until 2025 (previously called the Action Plan for the integration of beneficiaries of international protection), which is under preparation since 2019, is at an advanced stage of its development and the ombudsperson recommended its urgent adoption.[1]

At the session held on 30 March 2023, the Government of the Republic of Croatia adopted the Decision on the Adoption of the National Plan for the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights and Combating Discrimination for the period until 2027,[2] the Action Plan for the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights for 2023,[3] and the Action Plan for Combating discrimination for the year 2023.[4] The purpose of the National Plan for the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights and Combating Discrimination is to ensure, through multi-year planning, the coordinated action of State administration bodies in the field of human rights protection and combating discrimination, to supplement existing sectoral policies and raise the level of knowledge and awareness of equality so that all citizens can realize their rights guaranteed by the Constitution of the Republic of Croatia and international treaties for the protection of human rights and the prevention of discrimination.[5]

The UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, in its Concluding observations on the combined ninth to fourteenth periodic reports of Croatia, recommended Croatia, amongst other, to take measures, including developing and implementing a policy framework, to enhance the full participation and integration of migrants, applicants for international protection and refugees into society, including by providing language training, vocational training and employment opportunities.[6]

In terms of other strategic documents, at its session on 14 March 2024, the Croatian Parliament adopted a Strategy for demographic revitalization of the Republic of Croatia until 2033.[7] The Strategy emphasizes that in order to achieve demographic sustainability, it is necessary to conceive a comprehensive population policy that unifies the measures of numerous public policies. This policy will be enforced also through a migration policy that will contribute to balanced migration movements in accordance with the needs of the labour market and society. By realizing the vision of the Strategy, by 2033 in the Republic of Croatia, a system of attracting human resources will be created, including the effective integration of immigrants into Croatian society, and quality conditions for work and life in the new environment will be ensured. Emigration rates will be decreased, and return migration (of recent emigrants and the diaspora) and immigration of foreign citizens will be more active, following the economic and regional needs of the State. The following strategic guidelines are listed in the area of ​​population mobility: to adopt a comprehensive migration policy, to establish an Office that will coordinate and supervise the implementation of measures and the effects of migration and integration policy, to improve the system of collecting migration statistics (population register), to enable successful integration and inclusion in society of all categories of migrants, to encourage local governments to develop integration programs in the local community, to sensitize the public about migrants in order to prevent discrimination, racism and xenophobia and to develop policies adapted to the specific needs of local communities and their inhabitants.

In accordance with the LITP, the Office for Human Rights and the Rights of National Minorities (OHRRNM) of the Government of the Republic of Croatia coordinates the work of all Ministries, non-governmental organizations and other bodies that participate in the process of inclusion in society of asylees or foreigners under subsidiary protection within the framework of the Permanent Commission for the Implementation of the Integration of Foreigners into Croatian Society and the associated Working Group that prepares proposals of national strategic documents in this area.[8] The Permanent Commission for Integration was established in 2013, and it has been expanded several times since then. The tasks of the Permanent Commission for Integration include, among other things, monitoring and coordination of the implementation of regulations, programs, strategies and plans in the field of integration of asylees or foreigners under subsidiary protection.

At the session held on 19 December 2022, the Permanent Commission unanimously adopted the Protocol on Procedures for the Integration of Persons Granted International Protection.[9] The Protocol was prepared in a participatory process and through cooperation with representatives of the academia, local self-government units and competent departmental bodies. The Working Group for the preparation of the Protocol on Procedures for the Integration of Persons Granted International Protection, consisted of representatives of the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Labour, the Pension System, Family and Social Policy, the Ministry of Science and Education, the Ministry of Health, the Central State Office for reconstruction and housing, the Croatian Employment Service, the City of Zagreb, City of Karlovac and City of Varaždin.[10]

At the local level , the first Action Plan of the City of Zagreb for the Integration of Applicants for and Beneficiaries of International Protection for 2022[11] was adopted in January 2022, making the City of Zagreb the first unit of local and regional self-government in Croatia to adopt such strategic document.[12] Measures and activities included social protection, health care, language learning and education, work and employment, strengthening local capacities and intercity and international cooperation. In May 2023, the City Assembly of the City of Zagreb adopted new Action Plan of the City of Zagreb for the implementation of the Charter of Integrating Cities for 2023 and 2024.[13] The general objective of the Action Plan is to encourage and implement the integration of applicants for international protection, persons granted international or temporary protection, and foreign workers residing in the City of Zagreb, into society, and to contribute to the development of the entire migration policy in the Republic of Croatia. The specific objectives of the Action Plan are elaborated through 7 thematic areas: 1. Information and exercise of rights; 2. Social and health care; 3. Language learning and education; 4. Intercultural learning; 5. Preparation for job search and employment; 6. Strengthening of local integration capacities; and 7. Intercity and international cooperation.

In November 2023, the City of Zagreb and UNHCR organized a round table to discuss modalities for a ‘one-stop shop’ for refugees, which is expected to be launched under the City of Zagreb’s local integration action plan in 2024, with UNHCR support.[14] The purpose of the round table was to bring together all relevant stakeholders working with refugees and migrants, to map the services provided by local authorities and civil society organizations, and to enable a discussion on the future work of One Stop Shop. The One Stop Shop should start working in 2024 as a unique place where refugees under international and temporary protection, applicants for international protection and migrants in Zagreb could access information and be referred to relevant State bodies and mechanisms at the local and national level, and receive information about services that are provided in Zagreb by international organizations and civil society organizations .[15]

In October and November 2023, UNHCR presented its Municipal Toolkit[16] to over 30 local stakeholders in eastern and southern Croatia, promoting this tool for the effective inclusion of refugees at the local level.[17]

In 2022, the website, was created. The website contains information on the rights and services provided by the City of Zagreb for applicants for international protection, persons granted international protection and persons under temporary protection. The information is published in Croatian, English, Arabic, Farsi and Ukrainian and refers to services in the fields of social protection, health care, education, employment, free legal aid and cultural activities organised by the cultural centres of the City of Zagreb.[18]

In 2021, the Ministry of Interior published frequently asked questions and answers in regard to the status granted under international protection in several language.[19]

Basic information for the Integration of Foreigners can be found in an amended guide for integration which was prepared by the Croatian Governmental Office for Human Rights and the Rights of National Minorities in 2019. The guide is available in seven languages (Croatian, English, French, Ukrainian, Arabic, Urdu and Farsi).[20] In 2022, the Office for Human Rights and the Rights of National Minorities published an updated edition of the Guide for Integration in Croatian and Ukrainian.[21]

In February 2023, the Office for Human Rights and the Rights of National Minorities issued a brochure “The Rights of Persons Granted International and Temporary Protection”. The brochure contains information on the available mechanisms for the protection and promotion of human rights and the suppression of discrimination in Croatia, especially in the context of international and temporary protection. The brochure is available in twelve languages: Arabic, English, Farsi, Filipino, French, Hindi, Croatian, Nepali, Pashto, Spanish, Turkish and Ukrainian.[22]

In October 2023, a decision was made on the allocation of financial resources for the implementation of the project “SINERGY – Ensuring a synergistic approach to the integration of the third country nationals” within the AMIF. The purpose of the project is to strengthen multilevel cooperation in the implementation of international and domestic standards of integration of citizens of third countries in Croatia, with an emphasis on persons who have been granted international protection.[23]

In 2022, the Governmental Office for Gender Equality, in cooperation with the Ministry of Interior and UNHCR, published a leaflet intended to inform victims of gender-based violence about available protection options and services. The leaflet is intended primarily for female migrants, refugees and applicants for international protection, although it acknowledges that gender-based violence can be committed against men. It is available in 8 languages (Arabic, Croatian, English, Farsi, French, Kurdish, Turkish and Urdu).[24]

In 2021, the Ministry of Interior created the application “Resettle in Croatia”.[25] The application was created with the aim of providing faster and easier access to information and guidelines for persons who arrive in Croatia under a resettlement programme, and who were granted international protection upon arrival. The application was developed as part of the project “Establishment of a resettlement mechanism” co-financed by AMIF. In addition to information on the different steps, i.e., the procedure in the Republic of Türkiye and after the arrival in the Republic of Croatia for persons from the resettlement programme, the application offers information on the rights that persons acquire after obtaining international protection and how to exercise these rights and obligations in Croatia. The application further offers all persons who have been granted asylum or subsidiary protection in Croatia useful information on all important aspects of life in Croatia from health care, education, work, housing to easier access to activities necessary for daily functioning. The application is available in Croatian, English, Arabic and Kurdish.[26]

On the Help’ website run by UNHCR, persons granted international protection can also find information about their rights, obligations and the services available to them in Croatia.[27]

In 2022, the association RODA (Parents in Action), with the support of UNICEF, created a website[28] where basic information is provided to families on the move and families with children staying in Croatia. For now, the information is available in Croatian and Ukrainian, and the plan is to adapt and translate the texts into English, Arabic, Farsi and French.[29]

As reported in previous years, beneficiaries of international protection still face challenges exercising their rights, as detailed in this Chapter. The MIPEX 2020 ranking listed Croatia among the countries categorised as Equality on paper – Slightly unfavourable.[30]

As in previous years, lack of Croatian language courses was reported in 2023. In September 2022, the Ministry of Interior took the decision to terminate the agreement with the Ministry of Science and Education, among other things, due to the fact that Croatian language courses were not held.[31] According to the Ministry of Interior, in the course of 2023, no information was received on Croatian language courses and as a result, not a single person granted international protection was sent to attend the Croatian language course. [32]

The main problems with regards to integration identified by the Ombudspersons are the non-implementation of Croatian language courses, difficulties in exercising the right to health care, delays in preparatory classes for children, and difficulties accessing education.[33]

At the local level, the city of Zagreb organized a certified Croatian language course during 2023.

The Centre for Peace studies (CPS) reported that in 2023, beneficiaries of international protection encountered a number of institutional barriers as well as discrimination practices in exercising their rights. CPS reported problems relating to Croatian language courses, access to the healthcare system, delays in preparatory classes for children, challenges accessing higher education and exercising rights of the students, and access to the housing system. CPS also reported problems in the recognition of qualifications and notification of diplomas when persons have documents proving their education, as well as a lack of customized procedures for recognition of qualifications when they do not have documents. Within the framework of the project “Thinking of integration process as a two-way inclusion, 2incING” CPS encouraged the establishment of the Steering Committee. The Steering Committee was established by two CPS’s employees and eight members who have different legal statuses in Croatia (refugees, foreign students, foreign workers). As part of the work of the Committee, the implementation of integration measures was analysed from the perspective of the people to whom the integration measures apply, and the result of the aforementioned analyses is the Shadow Report on the Implementation of Integration Measures in Croatia.[34] The Shadow Report consists of 8 short reports in which the implementation of integration measures is put in the context of personally lived experiences or testimonies of refugees and migrants, and in accordance with the methodology contained in the Shadow Report Toolkit created by the European Council on Refugees and Exiles. In the Report difficulties in access to higher education and student rights, employment, health care etc. were pointed out. Each report is followed by a list of recommendations aimed at public bodies, which were prepared with the help of CPS’s employees.[35]

Are You Syrious? (AYS) reported problems with access to preparatory classes for children and higher education, as well as challenges within the health system.[36]

From 1 January 2023, the Croatian Red Cross and its local branches have started an implementation of a two-year project “Integrated and holistic support to migrants and refugees.” The first of a series of trainings took place on the topic of acceptance of diversity and collaborative learning as a method of integrating foreign-language students into schools. The project is financed by the Swiss Red Cross.[37]

JRS reported difficulties in finding accommodation for beneficiaries of international protection. Despite the assistance of JRS employees, responses from landlords were often negative, due to language barriers or previous bad experiences with foreigners. Because of that, many persons granted international protection were accommodated in inadequate or overpriced accommodation.[38]

The Web platform for integration is maintained by the NGO Mi.[39]

To overcome those challenges, beneficiaries are assisted by various NGOs:

The Croatian Red Cross (CRC) continued to provide support through counselling services and the provision of information to beneficiaries of international protection in the integration process through 2023.  The emphasis was more on solving challenges in integration at a higher level through continuous coordination meetings with governmental and non-governmental organizations. CRC is a member of the Coordination of the City of Zagreb for the integration of persons granted international protection and a member of the Commission for the allocation of education grants to secondary school students and students under the international and temporary protection of the City of Zagreb. Within the framework of the project financed by the UNHCR, education on the subject of integration was carried out for employees who provide support at the local level. Education was organized in Makarska, Poreč and Valpovo.[40]

In the course of 2023, Rehabilitation Centre for Stress and Trauma (RCT), carried out activities with beneficiaries of international protection. During 2023, RCT assisted persons granted  international protection in the following situations: interpretation and escort to health and social care institutions and to the Employment Office; assistance in re-registering in the records of social and health care institutions after people have been returned from Western European countries; assistance in exercising the right to one-time assistance, child allowance and co-financing of utilities; assistance in finding an apartment or communicating with a landlord; assistance in finding job vacancies, creating and sending resumes and job applications, as well as making contact and communicating with employers; providing interpreters for job interviews; assistance in finding a general practitioner and interpreting at specialist examinations; assistance in getting familiar with the rights, obligations and customs in Croatia; assistance in mastering the Croatian and English languages; individual psychotherapies through counselling with a solution-oriented approach; psychiatric treatments and psychotherapy and psycho-social support for victims of torture. Activities were mainly carried out in the city of Zagreb, and in a in reduced volume in Karlovac and Sisak.[41]

In March 2020, the Ministry of Interior and the NGO “Centre for Cultural Dialogue” (CCD) concluded an agreement on the allocation of financial resources for the implementation of the project “New Neighbours – inclusion of persons who have been granted international protection in Croatian society”, aiming at improving their living conditions (through AMIF). The implementation of the project began in April 2020.[42] The project was implemented in partnership with the Islamic Community in Croatia and with the support of the Ministry of Interior. The aim of the project was to increase the success of integration in the three years for 200 people in Croatia who have been granted international protection.[43] CCD assisted beneficiaries of international protection through seven mobile teams composed of a caseworker and cultural mediator in Zagreb, Osijek, Slavonski Brod, Sisak, Karlovac, Rijeka, Pula and Zadar. An integral part of their assistance consisted in preparing individual integration plans and assistance with access to services.[44] In March 2023,  CCD held a training for public officials on education and health in the city of Zadar. The aim of this training was to present the scope of rights and obligations of beneficiaries of international protection and also to point out the challenges of exercising these rights in practice. The training was attended by 15 health workers and 17 workers from the educational sector. The final conference of the project “New Neighbours – inclusion of persons who have been granted international protection in Croatian society”, was held on 20 March 2023. Through this project, as an implementing partner of the Ministry of Interior, the CCD supported and advised 152 beneficiaries of international protection in achieving their short-term and long-term goals in integration in the early stages of their adaptation in Croatia. Along with support, they organised and conducted 28 public events of various social, educational, cultural, religious and sports activities, as well as sensitisation activities for the general public and local communities where beneficiaries live.[45] The project ended in March 2023.

A year later, in March 2024, a new public call was announced for the financing of a project in the area of ​support provision for the inclusion of beneficiaries of international protection in Croatian society.[46]

In 2023, AYS assisted beneficiaries of international protection with activities on access to the labour market, which in practice meant assisting them in drafting resumes, finding suitable jobs in rapport to beneficiaries’ education, work experience and contacting potential employers. AYS also provided individual consultations by phone and in person on the rights of persons under international protection particularly regarding rights from the social welfare system, pension insurance, health care. Beneficiaries were also assisted in several health care institutions (health centres, hospitals, dental practice, etc.). Support to school-aged children was also provided in learning Croatian language, mastering school materials, cooperating with schools and mediating in the communication between parents and schools. AYS continued to run a so-called FREE SHOP – a place where applicants for and beneficiaries of international protection can get clothes, shoes, hygiene items, dishes and other household items free of charge. AYS also provided one informal initial Croatian language course for applicants for international protection and beneficiaries of international protection. Due to increase in unemployment among persons under international protection, in cooperation with the Solidarna foundation and the association Wir Packen’s An, AYS continued its support program in the form of covering one rent or offering one-time aid to cover the cost of food for people in unfavourable socio-economic conditions in the first two months of 2023. Throughout January and February of 2023, they helped 10 households (27 persons out of which 12 minors). As of March of 2023, this form of assistance was no longer available.[47]

In 2023, lawyers of the Croatian Law Centre, as UNHCR’s implementing partner, provided legal information to beneficiaries of international protection in person, over the phone, WhatsApp and e-mail. In addition, during 2023, CLC continued with the implementation of the project “Complementary pathways for Southeast Europe – COMP4SEE” financed by   AMIF and co-financed by the Office for Cooperation with NGOs of the Government of the Republic of Croatia. The Project aims to contribute to development of complementary pathways by creating new models of private sponsorships and offering recommendations for the improvement of national family reunification systems. One of the activities within COMP4SEE project was the family reunification assistance program. The assistance program, in addition to the legal aid component, also included other aspects of support, primarily assistance with the translation of documents and financial support for certain aspects of the procedure (for example, payment of consular fees or travel expenses).

The Centre for Peace Studies (CPS) provided different types of support to persons granted international protection such as individual support  in learning  the Croatian language, support  in accessing the labour market, information on life in Croatia and general psychosocial support. Furthermore, their lawyer and the volunteer lawyers provided legal information and advice on various status issues.[48]




[1] Ombudswoman, Report of the Ombudswoman for 2023, available in Croatian at:

[2] Government of the Republic of Croatia, National plan for the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights and Combating Discrimination available at:

[3] Government of the Republic of Croatia, Action Plan for the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights for 2023 available at:

[4] Government of the Republic of Croatia: Action Plan for Combating discrimination for the year 2023 available at:

[5] Office for Human Rights and the Rights of National Minorities: National Plan for the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights and Combating Discrimination, available at:

[6] United Nations, Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination; Concluding observations on the combined ninth to fourteenth periodic reports of Croatia, available at:   

[7] Strategy for demographic revitalization of the Republic of Croatia until 2033, Official Gazette 36/2024, available at:

[8] Article 76 (5) LITP.

[9] Text of the Protocol on Procedures for the Integration of Persons Granted International Protection is available in Croatian at: and in English:

[10] Office for Human Rights and the Rights of National Minorities: The Protocol on Procedures for the Integration of Persons Granted International Protection has been published, available in Croatian at:

[11] Text of the Action Plan is available in Croatian at:

[12] See more at:

[13] Action Plan of the City of Zagreb for the implementation of the Charter of Integrating Cities for 2023 and 2024, available in Croatian at:

[14] UNHCR, CROATIA FACT SHEET, February 2024, available in English at:

[15] UNHCR, The City of Zagreb and UNHCR held a round table on the establishment and operation of the One Stop Shop for refugees and migrants in Zagreb, 14 November 2023, available at:

[16] UNHCR, Effective Inclusion of Refugees: participatory approaches for practitioners at the local level, A toolkit by UNHCR and Migration Policy Group, available at:

[17] UNHCR: CROATIA FACT SHEET, February 2024, available in English at:

[18] EMN, EMN Quarterly n. 39, April – June 2022, available at:

[19] Ministry of Interior: Frequently asked questions, available in Croatian at:

[20] Office for Human Rights and the Rights of National Minorities, An updated edition of the Integration Guide has been published, 21 January 2019, available in Croatian at:

[21] Office for Human Rights and the Rights of National Minorities:   An updated edition of the publication Guide for Integration published, available in Croatian at:

[22] Office for Human Rights and the Rights of National Minorities:  Brochure Rights of the persons granted international and temporary protection issued, available in Croatian at:

[23] Ministry of Interior: Decision was made on the allocation of financial resources for the implementation of the project “SINERGY – Ensuring a synergistic approach to the integration of the third country nationals”, available at:

[24] Office for Gender Equality, The Office for Gender Equality published a leaflet for female migrants, refugees and asylum seekers, available in Croatian at:

[25] EMN HR, Resettle in Croatia, 4 October 2021, available at:

[26] Application (Re)Settle in Croatia is available via Google Play:; and Apple App Store:

[27] UNHCR, Help, Website available at:; see also videos available at:

[28] See:

[29] Information provided by RODA, 6 December 2022.

[30] Equality on paper means that immigrants do not enjoy equal opportunities. This group of countries goes only halfway towards providing immigrants with basic rights and a secure future. Policies may encourage the public to see immigrants as subordinates, not equal and not potential citizens. See the Mipex key findings here:

[31] Ministry of Interior: Decision on the cancellation of the Decision on the allocation of financial resources for the implementation of the project “Integration of asylees and foreigners under subsidiary protection into Croatian society, education and preparation for inclusion in the labor market”; available in Croatian at:

[32] Information provided by the Ministry of Interior, 8 March 2024.

[33] Ombudswoman, Report of the Ombudswoman for 2023, available in Croatian at:; Ombudswoman for Children, Report of the Ombudswoman for Children for 2023, available in Croatian at

[34] Centre for Peace Studies: Shadow report on the implementation of integration measures in Croatia; available in English at:

[35] Information provided by Centre for Peace Studies, 30 January 2024.

[36] Information provided by Are You Syrious, 29 January 2024.

[37] EMN Quarterly, N.42 January -March 2023, available at:

[38] Information provided by JRS, 5 February 2024.

[39] The website is available at:

[40] Croatian Red Cross: Annual report on the work of Croatian Red Cross in  2023, available in Croatian at:

[41] Information provided by the Rehabilitation Centre for Stress and Trauma, 30 January 2024.

[42] EMN, Bulletin number 31, August 2020, available at:

[43] Centre for Culture of Dialogue: The Project of the Center for Culture of Dialogue “New Neighbours” presented to the public, 18 June 2020, available in Croatian at:

[44] UNHCR: Living in Croatia, available at:

[45] EMN Quarterly, N.42 January -March 2023, available at:

[46] Ministry of Interior: Public call for the financing of a project in the area of ​​providing support for the inclusion of beneficiaries of international protection in Croatian society, available at:

[47] Information provided by Are You Syrious, 29  January  2024.

[48] Information provided by the Centre for Peace Studies, 30 January 2024.

Table of contents

  • Statistics
  • Overview of the legal framework
  • Overview of the of the main changes since the previous report update
  • Asylum Procedure
  • Reception Conditions
  • Detention of Asylum Seekers
  • Content of International Protection
  • ANNEX I – Transposition of the CEAS in national legislation