

Country Report: Naturalisation Last updated: 10/07/24


Croatian Law Centre Visit Website

Requirements for the acquisition and termination of Croatian citizenship are regulated by the Law on Croatian Citizenship.[1]

An application for Croatian citizenship on grounds of naturalisation should be submitted at the competent police administration or police station, where the place of temporary or permanent residence is located. Physically handicapped persons can submit the application via their legal representative or attorney. An application can also be submitted at diplomatic missions or consular offices of the Republic of Croatia abroad.[2]

A foreign citizen who submits an application for Croatian citizenship shall acquire it by naturalisation if s/he:[3]

  1. Has reached the age of eighteen years;
  2. Has had his or her foreign citizenship revoked or he or she submits proof that he or she will get a revocation if admitted to Croatian citizenship;[4]
  3. Before submitting the application, s/he has lived at registered places of residence for a period of eight years constantly on the territory of the Republic of Croatia and has been granted a permanent residence permit;
  4. Is proficient in the Croatian language and Latin script and is familiar with the Croatian culture and social system;
  5. Respects the legal order of the Republic of Croatia, has covered all due taxes and other financial obligations towards public bodies and there are no security related restrictions to accessing Croatian citizenship.

According to the LITP, if refugees or beneficiaries under subsidiary protection are not able for objective reasons to obtain official documents from their country of origin necessary to acquire Croatian citizenship, official documents of the Republic of Croatia shall be taken into account in the procedure to acquire Croatian citizenship, along with other documents they possess, on the basis of which it may be assessed whether they meet the conditions for the acquisition of Croatian citizenship.[5] A decision to reject an application for Croatian citizenship may not be based exclusively on the fact that the necessary official documents of the country of origin have not been submitted.

In 2023, 2 asylees, citizens of Iran, acquired Croatian citizenship. In total 7 asylees were acquired Croatian citizenship (1 citizen of Afghanistan, 2 citizens of Iran,1 citizen of Sudan, 1 citizen of Ukraine and 2 citizens of Uzbekistan).[6]

[1] Official Gazette 53/1991, 70/1991, 28/1992, 113/1993, 4/1994, 130/2011, 110/2015, 102/2019, 138/2021.

[2] Article 24 (3)(4) Law on Croatian Citizenship.

[3] Article 8(1)(5) Law on Croatian Citizenship.

[4] This condition is deemed met if the application was submitted by a stateless person or person would lose his or her existing nationality by naturalisation in Croatia. If a foreign country does not permit dismissal from its citizenship or it places requirements or dismissal which cannot be fulfilled, a statement of the applicant who has submitted a request will be sufficient to renounce his foreign citizenship under the conditions of acquisition of Croatian citizenship.

[5] Article 77(1)(2) LITP.

[6] Information provided by the Ministry of Interior, 8 March 2024.

Table of contents

  • Statistics
  • Overview of the legal framework
  • Overview of the of the main changes since the previous report update
  • Asylum Procedure
  • Reception Conditions
  • Detention of Asylum Seekers
  • Content of International Protection
  • ANNEX I – Transposition of the CEAS in national legislation