Status and rights of family members


Country Report: Status and rights of family members Last updated: 26/06/23


Croatian Law Centre Visit Website

A minor child who has not started his/her own family and who has joined a person who has been granted international protection in Croatia follows the legal status of a representative who has been granted international protection,[1] which means that child will be granted asylum or subsidiary protection depending on the status of the family member the child is joining. As previously stated, in order to enter Croatia, a child must have been granted temporary stay, and when a minor child of a person who has been granted international protection comes to Croatia, the parent who has been granted protection submits an application for international protection for the child.[2]

Other family members are granted temporary stay in accordance with Law on Foreigners.

A family member of an asylee or beneficiary of subsidiary protection who is legally resident in the Republic of Croatia shall exercise the same rights as the beneficiary of international protection.[3]




[1] Article 66, paragraph 2 of the AITP: A minor child of an asylee and a foreigner under subsidiary protection who has not started his/her own family follows the legal position of a legal representative who has been granted international protection, which shall be decided upon by the Ministry.

[2] Ministry of Interior, Most frequently asked questions – international protection, available at:

[3] Article 66(4) LITP.

Table of contents

  • Statistics
  • Overview of the legal framework
  • Overview of the of the main changes since the previous report update
  • Asylum Procedure
  • Reception Conditions
  • Detention of Asylum Seekers
  • Content of International Protection
  • ANNEX I – Transposition of the CEAS in national legislation