Overview of the legal framework


Country Report: Overview of the legal framework Last updated: 10/07/24


Croatian Law Centre Visit Website

Main legislative acts relevant to asylum procedures, reception conditions, detention and content of protection

Title (EN) Original Title (HR) Abbreviation Web Link
Law on International and Temporary Protection

Official Gazette 70/2015

Amended: Official Gazette 127/2017

Amended: Official Gazette 33/2023

Zakon o međunarodnoj i privremenoj zaštiti

NN 70/2015, 127/2017, 33/2023

LITP http://bit.ly/1hIaq3Q (HR)

https://bit.ly/2pPntru (HR)

https://bit.ly/43iu0Mc (HR)

Law on General Administrative Procedure

Official Gazette 47/2009


Amended: Official Gazette 110/2021(in force since 1 January 2022)

Zakon o općem upravnom postupku

NN 47/2009, 110/2021

Law on General Administrative Procedure http://bit.ly/1J7BRAh (HR)


https://bit.ly/36ZLaFZ (HR)

Law on Administrative Disputes

Official Gazette 20/2010

Zakon o upravnim sporovima

NN 20/2010, 143/2012, 152/2014, 94/2016, 29/2017, 110/2021

Law on Administrative Disputes http://bit.ly/1Gm4uTj (HR)


Amended: Official Gazette 143/2012 http://bit.ly/1K1I8fv (HR)
Amended: Official Gazette 152/2014

Decision of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia U-I-2753/2012 and others, September 27. 2016., Official Gazette 94/2016


Amended: Official Gazette 29/2017

Amended: Official Gazette 110/2021


New Law on Administrative Disputes will entered into force on July 1, 2024

Official Gazette 36/2024







Zakon o upravnim sporovima

NN 36/2024

http://bit.ly/1Bs4ZiO (HR)


https://bit.ly/2uyfHXR (HR)


https://bit.ly/2pWu82v (HR)

https://bit.ly/3LXKHn4 (HR)



https://bit.ly/3VnLPql (HR)


Law on Foreigners,

Official Gazette 133/2020


Amended: Official Gazette 114/2022

Amended: Official Gazette 151/2022


Zakon o strancima

NN 133/2020, 114/2022, 151/2022

Law on Foreigners https://bit.ly/2OLg8ZC (HR)



https://bit.ly/3ILqMXi  (EN)


http://bit.ly/3lGAZ0z (HR)

http://bit.ly/3LOEeOf (HR)

Law on Compulsory Health Insurance and Health Care for Foreigners in the Republic of Croatia

Official Gazette 80/2013

Amended: Official Gazette 15/2018

Amended: Official Gazette 26/2021

Amended: Official Gazette 46/2022

Zakon o obveznom zdravstvenom osiguranju i zdravstvenoj zaštiti stranaca u Republici Hrvatskoj

NN 80/2013, 15/2018, 26/2021, 46/2022

Law on Compulsory Health Insurance and Health Care http://bit.ly/1Gm4KSp (HR)

https://bit.ly/2uzuZLN (HR)


https://bit.ly/3uJOYl6 (HR)

http://bit.ly/3lJaYxE (HR)

Law on Free Legal Aid

Official Gazette 143/2013

Amended: Official Gazette 98/2019

Zakon o besplatnoj pravnoj pomoći

NN 143/2013, 98/2019

Law on Free Legal Aid http://bit.ly/1IojGRf (HR)


https://bit.ly/3bDiHD5 (HR)


Main implementing decrees and administrative guidelines and regulations relevant to asylum procedures, reception conditions, detention and content of protection

Title (EN) Original Title (HR) Abbreviation Web Link
Ordinance on the forms and data collection in the procedure for international and temporary protection

Official Gazette 85/2016

Pravilnik o obrascima i zbirkama podataka u postupku odobrenja međunarodne i privremene zaštite

NN 85/2016

Ordinance on Forms http://bit.ly/2lndEjr (HR)
Decision on the amount of financial assistance provided to applicants for international protection

Official Gazette 135/2015


Amended: Official Gazette 155/2022

Amended: Official Gazette 117/2023

Odluka o visini novčane pomoći tražiteljima međunarodne zaštite

NN 135/2015, 155/2022, 117/2023

Decision on Financial Assistance http://bit.ly/2lQKkmi (HR)


http://bit.ly/3z7hTnn (HR)


https://bit.ly/3zyZ3cF (HR)


Ordinance on the realisation of material reception conditions

Official Gazette 135/2015

Amended: Official Gazette 61/2019

Pravilnik o ostvarivanju materijalnih uvjeta prihvata

NN 135/2015, 61/2019

Ordinance on Material Reception Conditions http://bit.ly/2lYZIsM (HR)



https://bit.ly/3bxCHa9 (HR)

Ordinance on the content of the medical examination of asylum seekers, asylees and foreigners under subsidiary protection

Official Gazette 39/2008

Pravilnik o sadržaju zdravstvenog pregleda tražitelja azila, azilanata, stranaca pod privremenom zaštitom i stranaca pod supsidijarnom zaštitom

NN 39/2008

Ordinance on Medical Examination http://bit.ly/1K1I9zT (HR)
Ordinance on health care standards for applicants for international protection and foreigners under temporary protection

Official Gazette 28/2020

Pravilnik o standardima zdravstvene zaštite tražitelja međunarodne zaštite i stranca pod privremenom zaštitom

NN 28/2020

Ordinance on health care standards https://bit.ly/3sbArNC (HR)
Ordinance on the manner of implementing the programme and tests of knowledge of asylum seekers, asylees, foreigners under temporary protection and foreigners under subsidiary protection, for the purpose of joining the education system of the Republic of Croatia

Official Gazette 89/2008

Pravilnik o načinu provođenja programa i provjeri znanja tražitelja azila, azilanata, stranaca pod privremenom zaštitom i stranaca pod supsidijarnom zaštitom, radi pristupa obrazovnom sustavu Republike Hrvatske

NN 89/2008


Ordinance on Knowledge Tests http://bit.ly/1Gm5yGG (HR)
Decision on the Programme of Croatian language, history and culture for asylum seekers and asylees

Official Gazette 129/2009

Odluka o programu hrvatskog jezika, povijesti i kulture za tražitelje azila i azilante

NN 129/2009

Decision on Croatian Language Programme http://bit.ly/1SuZQLq (HR)
Decision on the Programme of Croatian language, history and culture for asylees and foreigners under subsidiary protection for inclusion into Croatian Society

Official Gazette 154/2014

Odluka o programu učenja hrvatskoga jezika, povijesti i kulture za azilante i strance pod supsidijarnom zaštitom radi uključivanja u hrvatsko društvo

NN 154/2014

Decision on Croatian Language, History and Culture Programme for Inclusion http://bit.ly/1FXstO8 (HR)
Decision on the programme of Croatian language for asylum seekers and asylees and aliens under subsidiary protection who are over 15 years of age for the purpose of joining the secondary-school education system and the adult education system

Official Gazette 100/2012

Odluka o nastavnom planu i programu hrvatskoga jezika za tražitelje azila, azilante i strance pod supsidijarnom zaštitom starije od 15 godina radi pristupa srednjoškolskom obrazovnom sustavu i sustavu obrazovanja odraslih

NN 100/2012

Decision on Croatian Language Programme above the Age of 15 http://bit.ly/1yuPG7Y (HR)
Decision on establishing the price of passport issued in accordance with the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees

Official Gazette 98/2016


Official Gazette 102/2016





Amended: Official Gazette 155/2022

Rješenje o utvrđivanju cijene putovnice izdane sukladno Konvenciji o statusu izbjeglica od 28. srpnja 1951. godine

NN 98/2016

Ispravak Rješenja o utvrđivanju cijene putovnice izdane sukladno Konvenciji o statusu izbjeglica od 28. srpnja 1951. godine

NN 102/2016


Rješenje o izmjeni Rješenja o utvrđivanju cijene putovnice izdane sukladno Konvenciji o statusu izbjeglica od 28. srpnja 1951. godine

NN 155/2022

Decision on the Price of Refugee Passports http://bit.ly/2kOXEmP (HR)



http://bit.ly/2kvoBjf (HR)




http://bit.ly/3FKQNXg (HR)

Decision on the costs of accommodation in the Reception Centre for Asylum Seekers

Official Gazette  47/2016


Amended: Official Gazette 155/2022

Odluka o troškovima smještaja u Prihvatilištu za tražitelje azila

NN 47/2016


Odluka o izmjenama Odluke o troškovima smještaja u prihvatilištu za tražitelje azila

NN 155/2022


Decision on the Costs of Accommodation http://bit.ly/2lTyx3i (HR)


http://bit.ly/3JZaWey (HR)

Ordinance on free legal aid in the procedure of granting international protection

Official Gazette 140/2015   


Amended: Official Gazette 155/2022

Pravilnik o besplatnoj pravnoj pomoći u postupku odobrenja međunarodne zaštite

NN 140/2015, 155/2022   

Ordinance on Free Legal Aid http://bit.ly/2kXPLhy (HR)



http://bit.ly/40xbm0W (HR)

Decision on relocation and resettlement of third country nationals or stateless persons who meet the conditions for approval of international protection

Official Gazette 78/2015   

Odluka o premještanju i preseljenju državljana trećih zemalja ili osoba bez državljanstva koje ispunjavaju uvjete za odobrenje međunarodne zaštite

NN 78/2015   

Decision on Relocation and Resettlement http://bit.ly/2kDTnBH (HR)
Decision on the establishment of the Interdepartmental Working Group for the Implementation of the Decision on relocation and resettlement of third country nationals or stateless persons who meet the conditions for approval of international protection

Official Gazette 78/2015   

Odluka o osnivanju Međuresorne radne skupine za provedbu Odluke o premještanju i preseljenju državljana trećih zemalja ili osoba bez državljanstva koje ispunjavaju uvjete za odobrenje međunarodne zaštite

NN 78/2015   

Decision on the Relocation and Resettlement Working Group http://bit.ly/2lQNEgT (HR)
Decision on resettlement of third country nationals or stateless persons who meet the conditions for approval of international protection

Official Gazette 99/2017  

Odluka o preseljenju državljana trećih zemalja ili osoba bez državljanstva koje ispunjavaju uvjete za odobrenje međunarodne zaštite

NN 99/2017

Decision on Resettlement https://bit.ly/2GVUWHW (HR)
Decision on resettlement of third country nationals or stateless persons who meet the conditions for approval of international protection for 2019

Official Gazette 16/2019 



Decision to revoke the Decision on resettlement of third country nationals or stateless persons who meet the conditions for approval of international protection for 2019


Official Gazette 88/2022

Odluka o preseljenju državljana trećih zemalja ili osoba bez državljanstva koje ispunjavaju uvjete za odobrenje međunarodne zaštite za 2019. godinu

NN 16/2019


Odluka o stavljanju izvan snage Odluke o preseljenju državljana trećih zemalja ili osoba bez državljanstva koje ispunjavaju uvjete za odobrenje međunarodne zaštite za 2019. godinu


NN 88/2022

Decision on Resettlement for 2019 https://bit.ly/2JdqcXL (HR)





http://bit.ly/40bzypZ (HR)

Decision on relocation of the third country nationals or stateless persons who meet the conditions for approval of international protection

Official Gazette 88/2022

Odluka o premještanju državljana trećih zemalja ili osoba bez državljanstva koje ispunjavaju uvjete za odobrenje međunarodne zaštite

NN 88/2022

https://bit.ly/3JGMZHl (HR)
Ordinance on participation of asylees, foreigners under subsidiary protection and foreigners under temporary protection in the payment of accommodation costs

Official Gazette 59/2018

Pravilnik o sudjelovanju azilanata, stranaca pod supsidijarnom zaštitom i stranaca pod privremenom zaštitom u plaćanju troškova smještaja

NN 59/2018

Ordinance on participation in the payment of accommodation costs https://bit.ly/2Y115uv (HR)
Decision on determination of the price of residence permit for asylees and foreigners under subsidiary protection

Official Gazette 98/2016



Official Gazette 102/2016


Amended: Official Gazette 155/2022

Rješenje o utvrđivanju cijene dozvole boravka za azilanta i stranca pod supsidijarnom zaštitom

NN 98/2016


Ispravak Rješenja o utvrđivanju cijene dozvole boravka za azilanta i stranca pod supsidijarnom zaštitom

NN 102/2016  


Rješenje o izmjeni Rješenja o utvrđivanju cijene dozvole boravka za azilanta i stranca pod supsidijarnom zaštitom

NN 155/2022   


Decision on the Price of Residence Permits




http://bit.ly/2kvB0Un (HR)




http://bit.ly/2kXSmb6 (HR)



http://bit.ly/3lE9Ewb (HR)

Decision on the list of safe countries of origin in the procedure of granting International Protection Odluka o listi sigurnih zemalja podrijetla u postupku odobrenja međunarodne zaštite

NN 45/2016   

Decision on the List of Safe Countries of Origin http://bit.ly/2lcRePz (HR)
Ordinance on treatment of third country nationals, Official Gazette 136/2021

Amended: Official Gazette 145/2023

Pravilnik o postupanju prema državljanima trećih zemalja


NN 136/2021, 145/2023

Ordinance on treatment of third country nationals https://bit.ly/3MfvLl0 (HR)





Ordinance on accommodation in the Reception Centre for Foreigners and the method of calculating the costs of forced removal; Official Gazette 145/2021

Amended: Official Gazette 155/2022


Amended: Official Gazette 137,2023



Pravilnik o boravku u Prihvatnom centru za strance

 i načinu izračuna troškova prisilnog udaljenja


NN 145/2021, 155/2022, 137/2023

Detention Centre Ordinance  

https://bit.ly/35NIA5r (HR)


http://bit.ly/4067W5E (HR)


https://bit.ly/3KOVm4R (HR)


Action plan for the Integration of beneficiaries of international protection for the period 2017-2019 Akcijski plan za integraciju osoba kojima je odobrena međunarodna zaštita za razdoblje 2017. do 2019. godine Action plan for Integration https://bit.ly/2GMCkNL (HR)

https://bit.ly/2IHO40C (EN)

Decision on the Establishment of a Permanent Commission for the Implementation of the Integration of Foreigners into Croatian Society

Official Gazette 110/2019

Amended: Official Gazette 119 /2020

Amended: Official Gazette 68/2023

Odluka o osnivanju Stalnog povjerenstva za provedbu integracije stranaca u hrvatsko društvo

NN 110/2019, 119 /2020, 68/2023

Decision on the Establishment of a Permanent Commission for Integration https://bit.ly/2wCNTTX (HR)




https://bit.ly/3wXxALF (HR)

https://bit.ly/3Vp2OIN (HR)

Protocol on the treatment of unaccompanied children Protokol o postupanju prema djeci bez pratnje https://bit.ly/2UnJmLc (HR)

https://bit.ly/2DEgBEu (HR)

Ordinance on stay of third country nationals in the Republic of Croatia: Official Gazette 20/2022  

Amended: Official Gazette 155/2022



Pravilnik o boravku državljana trećih zemalja u Republici Hrvatskoj NN 20/2022, 155/2022  


https://bit.ly/3HIvjYR (HR)


http://bit.ly/42x6g6W (HR)


Decision on the establishment of the Interdepartmental Commission for the Protection of Unaccompanied Children

Official Gazette 3/2022

Odluka o osnivanju Međuresornog povjerenstva za zaštitu djece bez pratnje NN 3/2022


http://bit.ly/3JZIIQW (HR)


Decision on the appointment of the president, deputy president, secretary, members and deputy members of the Interdepartmental Commission for the Protection of Unaccompanied Children, Official Gazette 52/2022

Rješenje o imenovanju predsjednice, zamjenice predsjednice, tajnice, članova i zamjenika članova Međuresornog povjerenstva za zaštitu djece bez pratnje

NN 52/2022

http://bit.ly/3LLpsbg (HR)



Table of contents

  • Statistics
  • Overview of the legal framework
  • Overview of the of the main changes since the previous report update
  • Asylum Procedure
  • Reception Conditions
  • Detention of Asylum Seekers
  • Content of International Protection
  • ANNEX I – Transposition of the CEAS in national legislation