Number of staff and nature of the first instance authority


Country Report: Number of staff and nature of the first instance authority Last updated: 20/08/24


Name in English Number of staff Ministry responsible Is there any political interference possible by the responsible Minister with the decision making in individual cases by the determining authority?
Presidency of Migration Management (PMM) 13,500[1] Ministry of Interior  Yes   No

PMM is structured as a civilian agency. It has Provincial Departments for Migration Management (PDMM) across the 81 provinces of Türkiye. A Council of Ministers Decision issued in February 2018 established 36 District Directorates for Migration Management (İlçe Göç İdaresi Müdürlüğü) in 16 provinces, under the responsibility of the respective PDMM.[2] The number of staffs working in provincial and district directorates is 12,698, and 802 staffs serve in the headquarter of PMM in Ankara[3].

UNHCR continues to assist PMM in building capacity in refugee law and provided training to staff. Similarly, the European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA) provides support to PMM and PDMMs. EUAA implemented its fourth roadmap for cooperation 2022-2023 in January 2022, which ‘facilitates exchanges of best practices on asylum related- legislation, effective asylum procedures and reception system.[4]’In addition, ICMPD, IOM and the Council of Europe have been carrying out a technical cooperation project with PMM as of 2023[5]. According to the Annual Report, within the scope of projects financially supported and completed by international institutions and organisations, 12 projects have been completed in 2023:

  Name of the Project




Türkiye’de Sosyal Uyum Projesi (Social Cohesion Project in Türkiye) February 2023
2. SUYE – Sosyal Uyum ve Yaşam Eğitimleri (the Social Harmonization and Life in Türkiye Training)


March 2023
3. Düzensiz Göçmenlerin Yönetimi, Kabulü ve Barınması Konusunda GİB’in Desteklenmesi (Supporting PMM in the Management, Reception and Accommodation of Irregular Migrants)


June 2023
4. SUPPORT PMM – Göç İdaresi Kapasitesinin Desteklenmesi (Support capacities of the Presidency of Migration Management)


June 2023
5. COMMIT- Türkiye’de İdari Gözetime Alternatif Tedbirlerin Uygulanmasına İlişkin Göçmenlerle İletişim (Communication with Immigrants Regarding the Implementation of Alternative Measures to Administrative Detention in Türkiye)


June 2023
6. ReCONNECT – Phase 1: Türkiye’de Geri Dönüş Danışmanlığı Kapasitesinin Geliştirilmesinin Desteklenmesi (Supporting the Development of Return Counselling Capacities in Türkiye) End of 2023
7. Sınır Yönetimi Alanında İş Birliği (Cooperation in the Field of Border Management)


End of 2023
8. COMPLEMENT – Düzensiz Göçü Tamamlayıcı Faaliyetler Aracılığıyla Önlemek İçin Menşe Ülke ve Stratejik Ortaklarla İşbirliğini Güçlendirme Projesi (Strengthening Cooperation with Countries of Origin and Fostering Cooperation with Strategic Partners to Prevent Irregular Migration Through Complementarity Actions)


End of 2023
9. ANAPOL – Türkiye’de Düzenli Göç Politika Çerçevesini Geliştirmek amacıyla Analiz ve Operasyonel Kapasitenin Güçlendirilmesi (Enhancing Analysis and Operational Capacity to Improve Legal Migration Policy in Türkiye)


End of 2023
10. REN-PMM Göç İdaresi Başkanlığının Kapasitesinin Güçlendirilmesi (Strengthening the Capacity of the Directorate of Migration Management)


End of 2023
11. RETOUR – Türkiye’de Destekli Gönüllü Geri Dönüş Koordinasyon Merkezlerinin Kurulması (Establishment of Assisted Voluntary Return Coordination Centres in Türkiye) End of 2023
12. İl Göç İdaresi Müdürlüklerinin Desteklenmesi – Aşama V

(Phase V: Supporting Provincial Directorates of Migration Management)


End of 2023

Similar to 2022, in 2023, PMM published its performance programme and annual report based on the 2019-2023 Strategy Plan, providing for the details regarding its human resources, organisational structure, resources and performance indicators.[6]

Stakeholders mentioned that due to turnover among the staff especially in PDMMs, creating and maintaining sustainable dialogues with migration authority is sometimes challenging[7].




[1] PMM, Göç İdaresi Başkanliği Faaliyet Raporu 2023, available in Turkish here.

[2] Council of Ministers Decision 2018/11464 of 19 February 2018. See also Anadolu, ‘36 ilçeye İlçe Göç İdaresi Müdürlüğü kurulacak’, 29 March 2018, available in Turkish here.

[3] PMM, Göç İdaresi Başkanliği Faaliyet Raporu 2023.

[4] EUAA & PMM, ‘Roadmap for Cooperation between the EUAA–PMM (2022-2023), 2002, available here.

[5] PMM, ‘Göç İdaresi Genel Müdürlüğünün Devam Eden Projeleri, last accessed 20 May 2024, available in Turkish here and here.

[6] PMM, Göç İdaresi Başkanliği 2023 Performans Programi, 2023, available in Turkish here.

[7] Information provided by stakeholders, March – April 2024.

Table of contents

  • Statistics
  • Overview of the legal framework
  • Overview of main changes since the previous report update
  • Introduction to the asylum context in Türkiye
  • Asylum Procedure
  • Reception Conditions
  • Detention of Asylum Seekers
  • Content of International Protection
  • Temporary Protection Regime
  • Content of Temporary Protection