Differential treatment of specific nationalities in reception


Country Report: Differential treatment of specific nationalities in reception Last updated: 10/07/24



Given the dual system operated by Türkiye, which distinguishes international protection from temporary protection, different reception arrangements are laid down for applicants for international protection and persons under temporary protection. While a small fraction of the population of temporary protection beneficiaries from Syria subject continue to be sheltered in Temporary Accommodation Centres, the vast majority have to secure their own accommodation, similar to applicants for international protection. That said, Syrians’ access to essential rights is generally described as more straightforward than that of non-Syrian applicants for international protection.

The economic status of Syrians who come with a visa is generally higher, while those arriving irregularly are often not sufficiently informed regarding access to reception. Apart from a brief period over the summer, Syrians had no difficulties in accessing passports in 2022.

The economic crisis that began in Türkiye in 2021 has resulted in negative attitudes towards refugees in general and Afghans in particular by 2022. Similar to the prior year, Afghan single women and women with children had difficulty gaining access to basic rights. Moreover, as a result of inadequate nutrition, diseases such as diabetes became widespread among Afghans.[1]




[1] Information provided by a stakeholder, May 2023.

Table of contents

  • Statistics
  • Overview of the legal framework
  • Overview of main changes since the previous report update
  • Introduction to the asylum context in Türkiye
  • Asylum Procedure
  • Reception Conditions
  • Detention of Asylum Seekers
  • Content of International Protection
  • Temporary Protection Regime
  • Content of Temporary Protection