

Country Report: Statistics Last updated: 10/07/24



Overview of statistical practice

Statistics on the total number of international protection and temporary protection beneficiaries, as well as data on the registration of the latter across provinces are provided by the Presidency of Migration Management (PMM). The number of decisions on international protection issued by PMM is not available.


International protection applicants: December 2022

Total 33,246
Afghanistan 19,400
Ukrain 7,131
Iraq 4,083
Others 2,632

Source: PPM Website, available at:   


Registered temporary protection beneficiaries: 25 May 2023

  Beneficiaries Percentage
Total number 3,373,967 100%
Outside Temporary Accommodation Centres 3,312,024 99.5%
In Temporary Accommodation Centres 61,943 0.5%

Breakdown per fifteen main provinces:

 Province Registered Syrian refugees Total population in Province Share of total
İstanbul 531,227 16,439,178 3.23%
Hatay 319,454 2,005,497 15.93%
Şanlıurfa 339,429 2,509,539 13.53%
Gaziantep 444,087 2,538,198 17.09%
Adana 242,596 2,516,702 9.64%
Mersin 236,522 2,152,954 10.99%
Bursa 179,122 3,373,843 5.31%
İzmir 139,339 4,601,495 3.03%
Konya 118,488 2,414,835 4.91%
Kilis 74,824 222,743 33.59%
Ankara 90,779 5,873,064 1.55%
Kahramanmaraş 90,778 1,268,214 7.16%
Mardin 85,578 955,952 8.95%
Kayseri 81,169 1,522,692 5.33%
Kocaeli 52,708 2,131,780 2.47%

Source: PPM Website, available at:

Table of contents

  • Statistics
  • Overview of the legal framework
  • Overview of main changes since the previous report update
  • Introduction to the asylum context in Türkiye
  • Asylum Procedure
  • Reception Conditions
  • Detention of Asylum Seekers
  • Content of International Protection
  • Temporary Protection Regime
  • Content of Temporary Protection